Friday, May 26, 2006

Memorial Day Refuse/Yard Waste Schedule Changes

City Hall is closed on Monday, May 29 for the Memorial Day observance.

Refuse and yard waste collection will be delayed by one day. If your normal pickup is Monday, the pickup will be Tuesday etc.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Canada Road, I-40 Interchange lights

City Engineer Karen Jarrett recently announced that traffic signals are planned for the I-40 and Canada Road Interchange to replace the existing stop signs. Currently, we expect the project to be bid in June of 2006. Due to the unique nature of manufacturing traffic signals, we can't really forecast an installation date.

We know a lot of residents will welcome the traffic signals and City Engineer Karen Jarrett is working hard to expedite this project.

Mississippi River

Recently I had the opportunity to visit with a Mississippi River boat worker. It was an interesting conversation (he works 30 days on and 30 days off).

In an eerie way, he reminded me of many of the old (old to to me at the time) farmers I knew when I was a child. They loved and lived their job, were independent, opinionated had a lot of common sense and generally seemed to enjoy their career choice in spite of what are seen as negative aspects of the job. The only real difference seems to be one makes his living on the land, one on the river.

I enjoyed our conversation and wish I knew his name so I could have a cup of coffee or a lunch with him in the future and keep on with our discussion.

One of the things I love about Tennessee and this area is when I realize how similar, yet different it is from where I grew up and how I really notice the difference when I visit family in Oklahoma or Kansas. (Oklahomans and Kansans are great-kind, generous and just fine people. I have found Southerners to be the same, at least in this area, with the addition that they truly know how to be hosts and are truly courteous people.)

Also, I have found drivers to be much more courteous in Memphis. In spite of our tendency to streeeeetch yellow lights and make frightening close left turns, there is little tailgating and I have yet to have another car not let me in, even when I was in the wrong! (If you drive the Canada Road and I-40 interchange area, this is demonstrated on a daily basis.)

I was always fascinated by the Mississippi River when I was a child, and I can remember how excited I was at my first view of the River! One of my secret obsessions for some odd reason is the Mississippi River Level in the paper each day! I really don’t even know what it means, (except generally) but it fascinates me. I still get that “tingle” when I first see it and every time we have relatives or friends visit, I am always glad because it usually gives me a chance to take a Mississippi River Cruise or at least walk the Mississippi! Now I know that when I cross the “Mighty Mississippi” I am almost home!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Lakeland Chamber Meeting 11:30 a.m., Thursday, May 11


Mayor Scott Carmichael is the feature speaker at the May Lakeland Chamber of Commerce meeting at 11:30 a.m. at the Oakwood Club House, 10133 Matwood Oak Drive.

Come out, hear Mayor Carmichael and visit with other Lakeland and area residents and business persons!

I have reprinted the notice of the meeting below.

Don't Forget to RSVP….
What: The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce May Monthly Luncheon
Where: Oakwood Club House
When: May 11, 2006, 11:30am – 1:00pm
Cost: $10.00 Per Member / $20 Per Non-Member
RSVP: Please RSVP and make lunch selection by May 9, 2006
Phone: Lakeland City Hall, Nanette Smith, (901) 867-2717
Fax: Lakeland City Hall, Attn: Chamber of Commerce, (901) 867-2063
Honored Guest Speaker
We look forward to seeing you there.

Recycling Oil Centers

Autozone on Highway 64 in Lakeland has advised they accept used motor oil for recycling. There is no charge for this service.

Lakeland City Hall no longer is able to accept used oil for recycling. We are unable to provide an attendent at all times and new storm water regulations do not make it feasible to continue to accept used motor oil. Secure storage of used oil was also a problem.

In addition to Autozone, many other gas stations, auto parts stores etc. accept used motor oil for recycling and we encourage persons who change their own oil to recycle at an approved oil recycling facility.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Development fees-The user pays!

Recently I heard a comment about development fees, something to the effect that "Developers don't pay fees, they just pass on the fees to the new buyers".

Of course they do, and that is the whole point-the "new buyers" pay the costs associated with the new development, NOT an existing resident who does not benefit from the new development, and may even have an adverse effect on the existing resident!

I woudn't expect my neighbors in the next subdivision to pay for my new house and I don't expect to pay for a future subdivision. The person benefitting pays. Seems fair to me!

The City does continually revise fees in an effort to insure that the person (or future person) generating the cost pays the costs. In the case of development fees, the developer knows the fees in advance, the new homeowner/buyer knows the fees and decides if it is worth it. Again, seems fair to me!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Yard Waste Schedule (bagged leaves and grass)

The new schedule for yard waste pickup is noted below. Yard waste pickup will be made on the days noted. In the event pickup is not made on the scheduled day due to weather or equipment problems, the pickup will be on the next day.

This may be a temporary schedule. The City is getting bids on the yard waste removal and this schedule may change on or about July 1. Notice of any new schedule will be provided well in advance of the new schedule.


Yard waste (bagged leaves and grass clippings) is picked up each week in accordance with this schedule.


Lakeland Heights Addition
Evergreen Hills Addition
Creekside Manor Addition
Hwy 70-Evergreen-M/A-Seed Tick area
Oakwood Addition
Cool Springs Addition
Eastshores Addition
Herons Ridge Addition
The Pointe
Beverly Rivera - Canada
Windward Slopes
Area north of the Loosahatchie River


Lakeland Estates
Plantation Hills`
Mphs/Arl-Chambers Chapel-Chapel Hill Rd
Chambers Chapel - Chapel Cv-Chambers Cv.
Chambers Chapel -Monroe Rd- Cobb Rd
Bentbrooke Hills
Plantation Woods Dr
Hwy 64-Fletcher Trace


Stonebridge Subdivision
Fletcher Trace-Daly / ChiChi
Club View
Club Walk
El Hill
Fairway Meadows
Canada Woods
Woodland Park
Sterling Place

(If pickup is delayed due to adverse weather or equipment problems, pickup will be the next day.)

Advance notice will be provided if schedule is changed by new contract

New Lakeland Signs on Exit 18

Did you notice the new “Lakeland” exit signs for exit 18 on Interstate 40? Prior to this week, there had not been any signs to indicate that motorists could access Lakeland by using I-40 exit 18.

Thanks to Tennessee Senator Mark Norris, Tennessee Representative Bubba Pleasant, and the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), there are now signs letting eastbound motorists know, yes, you can exit at I-40 exit 18 and find the City of Lakeland!

Prior to this, I always gritted my teeth a little when I saw the lack of notice for Lakeland at exit 18 while cities literally miles away had large exit signs!

Thanks to the cooperation and assistance of Representative Pleasant, Senator Norris and TDOT personnel, the signs were recently installed.

We appreciate their cooperation and assistance on this matter.

The big overhead signs will be maintained only for Exit 20 into Lakeland which is considered to be the “main” entrance to Lakeland. Logically enough, Exit 18 is considered a “secondary” entrance. To avoid confusion, TDOT only provides one “major” sign for a City of Lakeland’s size.

The next time you are eastbound on Interstate 40, watch for the new “Lakeland” signs on I-40!