Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Census Verfication Team in Lakeland starting today (Wednesday, May 30)
They are in Lakeland today (Wednesday, May 30, 2007) and will shortly be verifying names and addresses in the following Subdivisions:
-Plantation Hills
-Lakeland Estates
-Woodland Park.
They will be driving marked Tennessee State vehicles and wearing identification badges.
They may verify other subdivisions as needed.
Please call City Hall if you have any questions or desire additional information.
The Receptionist at City Hall will have a list of names if you wish to call and verify any name.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Mark Neel
Mark Neel played a major role in Lakeland development as a Partner in the Partnership that developed Woodbridge Addition and the Oakwood Additions. He is a major influence on the development of Lakeland as a result of his involvement in these two subdivisons as well as other residential areas.
I was not surprised to learn from the story in the Commercial Appeal that Mark Neel had quietly used his own money and time in developing a youth sports complex without any publicity. His comment was "These kids need a chance".
Monday, May 28, 2007
I-40/Canada Road Interchange Action
The Lakeland Economic Development Commission recently discussed plans to encourage the Tennessee Department of Commerce (TDOT) to take promised action to have a Public Hearing "this Spring" in the I-40 and Canada Road Interchange.
At this time, priority is on requesting that the promised Public Hearing be held as soon as possible so the project can get started!
I understand a 30 day notice period is required before the Public Hearing is held. During this period the Lakeland Economic Development Commission will encourage all persons who use the Interchange to attend the Hearing and followup with written comments.
City Hall Entrance signs
I hope you have noticed the refurbished Lakeland City entrance signs! These signs are the result of a lot of work by a number of people! A lot more is involved in this than I realized. I encourage all residents to give a special "thank you" to Kathleen Brasfield, City Beautiful Project Coordinator, and Michael Brasfield, Project Leader, whose woodworking skills made salvaging the signs a reality.
Brownie and Junior Troop 472: Jennifer Hopper, Sorina Skovdal, Rachel Crawford, Taylor Adams, Kyrsten Gray, Evy Montgomery, Nikki Adams, Andrea Crawford, Morgan Chinery, Kayla Johnson, Ana Cuesta, and Caitlin Cuesta.
Art in City Hall-Glenda Brown
This is a show you will need to stop by, study and enjoy.
Lakeland City Hall is at 10001 Highway 70 in Lakeland. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Art may also be viewed during evening meetings.
Fountain at IH Club Lake
It is on a timer and so is on from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Stop by and take a look. Of course if you plan in attending the Fishing Rodeo this Saturday, you will have the opportunity to see it along with lots of fish!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Lakeland Memorial Tree Program
Additional information is available at or contact the Natural Resources Department at 867-2717. Brochures with an application are available at City Hall and will be e-mailed or mailed if requested.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Schedule Changes and Events
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Windward Slopes Park improvements starting
The project is expected to be completed no later than early Spring of 2008 and hopefully well before that. The park improvements are funded by the City of Lakeland and a grant from the Tennessee Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Recreation Educational.
Last Chance to count in Lakeland Census!
Census information requested is only the names of the persons in your household and the address. This may be called in to City Hall at 867-2717, e-mailed to or a form may be downloaded at and faxed to City Hall at 867-2063 or bought by City Hall at 10001 Highway 70.
If you haven’t submitted your census information, make yourself count and send your information today!
We appreciate the efforts of all Lakeland residents who submitted census information. I also thank Lakeland City personnel Debra Murrell, Anita Hughes, Bristol Roberts, Joey Courtney, Nelson Hardaway, James Riley and James Roberts for their special efforts to assist in “making everyone count” in the 2007 Special Lakeland Census.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Lakeland over 10,000 Population
We appreciate the assistance of all Lakeland residents who have returned the Special Census forms or called/e-mailed in their household names.
It's not too late! If you haven't returned your Special Census form, you can still call 867-2717, e-mail, or download a form from and mail, fax or personally bring in the form!
If you did not list all of the persons in your household, you also still can submit a corrected form.
Lakeland city personnel Debra Murell, Anita Hughes, Bristol Roberts, Nelson Hardaway, James Riley and Joey Courtney all worked hard on making the Special Census a success.