Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lakeland December Meetings and Events on YouTube!

"Channel 19" style slide show of Lakeland events and meetings on You Tube!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jay Walko Speaker at Natural Resources Board meeting tonight (Tuesday) 6:30 p.m.

Jay Walko, Director of the Tennessee Ornithological Society (Memphis Chapter) is the scheduled speaker at the Lakeland Natural Resources Board meeting tonight (Tuesday) at 6:30 p.m.

Mr. Walko is an excellent speaker. If you have any interest in birds, don't miss this opportunity! the agenda for the Lakeland Natural Resources Board is at, or call City Hall for additional information (867-2717).

Saturday, November 21, 2009

4 wheelers (All Terrain Vehicles) prohibited on public property/streets

We encourage owners of ATV's and similar off-road vehicles to enjoy their vehicles, but to observe the law and not operate the vehicles on public streets, public property or on private property without permission of the owner

All Terrain Vehicles (ATV's) continue to a hazard on City streets and also are damaging private and public property. We are especially concerned about young children operating these vehicles illegally on public streets and public property.

State law and City Ordinances are specific on this: ATV's and similar off-road vehicles are prohibited on public streets and highways! Operators (and parents in the case of juveniles) are responsible for damage to property and the City of Lakeland will bring civil action if necessary to recover the cost of damages to city streets or public parks.

Surveillance camera are being used in some City parks to curb vandalism or criminal behavior and will be used to recover costs of vandalism and damage by ATV's or similar vehicles as well as prosecution in Shelby County courts.

State law and City Ordinances require permission BEFORE an ATV or similar off-road vehicle can use private property.

The City of Lakeland and the Shelby County Sheriff urge residents to contact the Shelby County Sheriff if residents observe ATV or similar vehicles on public streets or public property or if it appears they are on private property without permission. We are concerned about some recent near accidents between cars and ATV's and damage to private and public property.

Again, we hope responsible users and owners of ATV's will enjoy their vehicles, but the use of such vehicles on city streets, public property or without permission on private property is illegal and could lead to substantial costs for damages.


City of Lakeland Holiday Schedule

Schedule changes or events during the holiday season from Thanksgiving through New Year Day are:

-City Hall Closed: Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26 and Friday after Thanksgiving, November 27

-Saturday, December 5, 2009: Holiday Parade

-Saturday, December 12, 2009: Visit with Santa, IH Clubhouse 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

-Board of Commissioners December Work Session rescheduled to Monday, December 21, 2009

-Municipal Planning Commission meeting rescheduled to Tuesday, December 22, 2009

-Economic Development Commission meetings are not scheduled in November or December

-City Hall closed Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve and Friday, December 25, Christmas Day

-City Hall will be closed Friday, January 1, 2010, New Year Day.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Board of Commissioners Agenda/supplemental information at

The Board of Commissioners Work Session Agenda and supplemental information on the agenda items is available at (Click the link for the page number to link to the supplemental information, if available, not all supplemental information is available).

While the only decisions at the Work Session are what items are to be placed on the Regular Meeting agenda (for the Thursday, December 3 meeting in this case), the agenda items are discussed in detail and public comment and input is welcome. Persons wishing to speak on an agenda item should sign up prior to the meeting.

Discussion at the Work Session allows the staff to to research any questions or provide more information on an agenda item the Board of Commissioners after the Work Session discussion and prior a decision being made on the item at the Regular Meeting.

An agenda is also published for the Regular Meeting where action on the agenda items may be taken by the Board of Commissioners

Dance Lessons and Dance Saturday, November 21

Lessons on the "Bop" style of dancing will be offered this Saturday, November 21, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. followed by the monthly dance at 7:00 p.m. at the IH Clubhouse, 4523 Canada Road.

The Bop lessons will be taught by Pete Nolen and Jo Reynolds of the River City Bop Club. Come on out and take lessons and learn how to do the Memphis (Lakeland?) Bop and then dance, or just come on out and watch!

Persons attending the dance are welcome to dance any type of dancing, music is generally music of the 60's, 70's and 80's that encourages all types of dancing, not just Bop.

Admission fee for Lakeland residents is $4.00. Soft drinks are sold for a nominal charge.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tree pruning on Lakeland streets

Natural Resource Director Eric Bridges advised as follows in the current tree pruning on Lakeland streets:

MLGW is currently having their contractor, Blume/Asplundh, prune trees along power lines within Lakeland. The utility prunes on regular cycles. Utility line clearance is essential to minimize power outages but also for safety. Trees growing too close to a power line can become conductors but can also serve as ladders for children or homeowner’s to climb and reach live wires.

We’ve all seen how dramatic utility line pruning can be. The City of Lakeland Natural Resources Board, Board of Commissioners, and Natural Resources Department have worked with MLGW and Blume/Asplundh to implement a better system of pruning. This system is composed of two parts: increased removals and lateral pruning.

First, large maturing trees growing under the power lines will be removed. We must stop planting or allowing tall maturing trees to grow under power lines. They will have to be topped repeatedly and will therefore become unsightly, unsafe, and will continue to sprout back into the lines.

Second, we will be using natural target or lateral pruning. That means cutting branches back to a main lateral or the trunk. This is called natural target pruning because its pruning back to the point that the tree would naturally shed the branch. It allows the tree to close the wound and minimizes sprouting back toward the line. It follows the national standard for pruning and is not topping or tipping.

Topping is cutting the tree between the nodes or at a random spot on the branch. It’s bad for the tree as this type of pruning prevents wounds from healing over. It’s bad for the citizens because it obviously looks bad but can also be unsafe. And it’s bad for the utility because it promotes sprouting back which increases pruning costs and decreases reliability because of the number of tree-related outages.

Please note that this type of pruning and these removals may look drastic the first cycle. But we hope you will appreciate that we are working to create permanent solutions to tree and utility line conflicts. We must prune trees properly so they don’t create hazards or grow back into the lines. And we must stop planting large maturing trees near power lines. It’s all part of our mission as a Tree City to get the Right Tree in the Right Place.

Also note that this type of pruning is only being practiced along the City streets. Pruning on private property is still between the utility and the homeowner. If you have any questions you may call the Lakeland Natural Resources Department at 867-2717.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Joint MPC/BOC Meeting scheduled to review Land Development Regulations Monday, November 30

A Joint Municipal Planning Commission/Board of Commissioners meeting is planned for 6:3o p.m., Monday, November 30, 2009 at Lakeland City Hall to discuss the proposed Land Development Regulations.

The major topic of the meeting will be Zoning and Land Use under the proposed Regulations, including zoning districts, land uses, building types, parking, landscaping, and open space types.

Interested persons are encouraged to attend. Additional information on the proposed Land Development Regulations is available at or call 867-2717.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Don't want your green (yard waste) cart?

Customers who don't want their green yard waste cart may leave it out any day. All Star will pick up any green yard waste cart that is put out on the driveway/yard.

If it is your normal pickup day and it has yard waste in it, they will assume you wish to keep it!

Please call City Hall (867-2717 ext. 204) and ask for Debra or call All Star Waste Systems directly if your cart is picked up by mistake or if you have any questions.

Lakeland Chamber Meeting 11:30 a.m. this Thursday!

Lakeland residents and business persons are encouraged to attend the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce luncheon this Thursday (November 12). Information on this is reprinted below.

Do You Know What Tools Are Available for YOUR Business?
Discover Invaluable Business Resources at the Next Chamber Luncheon THIS Thursday, November 12th

The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce welcomes representatives from the Memphis & Shelby County Office of Economic Development who will discuss resources available to existing businesses in Lakeland.

Many business people don't realize that there are a wide range of programs available to existing businesses to help them grow & flourish in today's economic environment.

We are fortunate to have Deputy Director Maggie Conway and Business Enterprise Specialist Sharon Taylor McKinney from the Memphis & Shelby County Office of Economic Development as our guest speakers.

Their presentation will specifically focus on programs designed to benefit existing small to medium businesses.WHEN: Thursday, November 12th from 11:30 a.m. 'til 1:00 p.m.

WHERE: Stonebridge Golf Course Clubhouse · 3049 Davies Plantation Road

COST: Luncheon is $10 for members / $15 for non- members. FREE for first-time guests who RSVP in advance.

RSVP: Please reserve your seat before Thursday, November 5th by contacting Sandra Blondis at 213- 2143.

ABOUT OUR GUEST SPEAKERS:Sharon Taylor McKinney is a Business Enterprise Specialist for the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development.

She works with entrepreneurs, small business owners, high growth business executives, and private and public leadership within nine counties in West Tennessee through the Business Enterprise Resource Office (BERO) housed in the Tennessee Economic & Community Development. BERO provides services in four core areas: 1) Access to and Provision of Technical Assistance 2) Access to Diversity Certification and B2B markets with Tennessee 3) Manufacturing Initiatives 4) Access to International Trade Exporting

Maggie Conway is the Deputy Administrator of the Memphis & Shelby County Office of Economic Development (OED). OED is a clearinghouse for startup or expanding businesses providing technical assistance related to financing options, reduction of operating costs, infrastructure improvements, taxes, access to qualified employees, and regulatory permitting.

This local government agency is part of the Memphis and Shelby County Division of Planning & Development which also includes land use controls, comprehensive planning, transportation, and construction code enforcement.

Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerceemail: infinityfactory@mac.comphone: (901) 213-2143 or 483-6367web:

Monday, November 09, 2009

Cheerleading options for Lakeland area residents

Cheerleading options abound for Lakeland area residents from the City classes in basic cheerleading to competitive classes offered by Young Champions.

The City of Lakeland cheerleading classes start after Thanksgiving. Although registration is officially over, interested persons (ages 5-11) should contact Brenda Lockhart or Joy Cloud at 867-2717. Additional information is also available at

Advanced and competitive Cheerleading is available from the local Young Champions organization (373-3655), Classes are held Thursday evenings (except Thanksgiving) for children ages 4-15 at IH Clubhouse, 4523 Canada Road through a public/private partnership between the City of Lakeland and Young Champions.

The IH Clubhouse is available at special rates for community classes and instructions Monday through Thursday. Call Lakeland City Hall at 867-2717 for additional information.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Monday, November 16 deadline for applications for Community Leadership positions for Boards and Commissions

Applications are being accepted until Monday, November 16 for community leadership positions on Lakeland Boards and Commissions.

An application is available at and may be mailed to City of Lakeland, 10001 Highway 70, Lakeland, Tennessee 38002, faxed to 867-2063 or e-mailed to Residents may also call 867-2717 for an application form.

If you have been thinking getting involved in the Lakeland community, now is your chance!

Openings are available for appointment on the following Boards and Commissions. Applicants must be Lakeland residents, except for the Economic Development Commission. Lakeland residency is not required for appointment to the Economic Development Commission.

Lakeland Board of Appeals (BOA)

The BOA hears appeals on

variances and other planning-

oriented matters. This board meets

“as needed” at 6:30 p.m. on the third

Thursday of each month at City Hall.

Lakeland Design Review

Commission (DRC) Design Review

Commission members are appointed

by the Mayor. The DRC reviews the

design, sign, lighting, and

landscaping plans of commercial

businesses and new residential

developments. Meetings are held at

6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of

each month at City Hall.

Lakeland Economic Development

Commission (EDC) The EDC

reviews and proposes economic

development initiatives/programs

and maintains an active relationship

with current and potential Lakeland

businesses. The EDC meets at 6:30

p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each

month at City Hall.

Lakeland Municipal Planning

Commission (MPC) Municipal

Planning Commission members are

appointed by the Mayor. The MPC

reviews development plans, zoning

matters and planning-related

matters. Meetings are held at 6:30

p.m. on the third Monday of each

month at City Hall.

Lakeland Natural Resources

Board (NRB) The NRB is charged

with planning, advising, and

promoting the development of a

comprehensive, community-

endorsed natural resources and

environmental stewardship program

for the City. The NRB generally

meets at 6:30 p.m. on the last

Tuesday of every other month at City Hall.

Lakeland Parks and Recreation

Board (PRB) The PRB reviews and

recommends park development

plans, recreation programs and

recommends locations of new parks.

This board meets at City Hall on the

second Monday of each month at

6:30 p.m.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Census 2010 program debuts at 2010 Holiday Parade

"Be Counted in 2010" is the theme of a Census 2010/City of Lakeland partnership to insure all Lakeland residents respond and are counted in the 2010 Census.

City of Lakeland Office Coordinator Theresa Meyer prepared an application and is administering the Census 2010/City of Lakeland partnership. The program is funded by Census 2010 to maximize Census 2010 responses and minimize expensive recounts.

The program will kick off at the 2010 Lakeland Lions Club Holiday Parade on Saturday, December 5, with "Census 2010 Clowns" walking the parade route and distributing candy to children (and adults) and "Be Counted in 2010" writing pens to the crowd.

A correct census count is important to the City of Lakeland not only for planning purposes, but also because a large portion of the City budget is based on population.

Census data affects our voice in Congress ...determines how may seats each state will have in the US House of Representatives as well as the redistricting of state legislatures, county and city councils, and voting districts.

Census Dates:
February-March 2010 - Census questionnaires are mailed or delivered to households
April 1, 2010 - Census Day! Households return completed questionnaires
April-July 2010 - Census takers visit household that did not return a questionnaire by mail

Census information is at

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Signal light construction starts at Highway 70 and Canada Road

Construction has started on the signal light project at Highway 70 and Canada Road. Please use caution when using this intersection. There may be some delays due to lane closing and equipment working on the highway.

The project is scheduled to be completed no later than June of 2010.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Lakeland Tennessee Holiday Parade scheduled Saturday, December 5

The Lakeland Tennessee Lions Club Holiday Parade is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. (10:00 a.m. lineup), Saturday, December 5, 2009. The parade route will be the same as last year (line up on Shadowgreen Lane by the Sonic, proceed along Kingsridge to Canada Road and then to the Lakeland Mall.

The Parade Theme is "Holidays Around the World".

Entry information and applications are available at Lakeland City Hall, 10001 Highway 70, or by calling Stephanie Lefler at 901-233-6655 (e-mail or Bert Faller at 901-834-2938. The information will also be posted on the City web site in the immediate future.

Due to insurance requirements, the City of Lakeland has had to require that no candy or other objects be thrown from moving vehicles. Entrants are encouraged to use "walkers" if they wish to distribute candy etc.