Friday, May 27, 2011

Holiday Schedules

Holiday Schedules for Memorial Day include:

-City Hall will be closed Monday, May 30, 2011

-All refuse and recycling routes will be delayed one day. Monday routes will be picked up Tuesday, Tuesdays routes Wednesday, Wednesday routes Thursday, Thursday routes Friday and Fridays routes on Saturday.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Girl Scouts complete "Rain Gardens" Project at City Hall

Under the direction of Staff Engineer Emily Boswell, Girl Scout Troop # 10125 worked hard on developing “rain gardens” for a beautification project at City Hall. The finished project is impressive and will be a welcome addition to City Hall!

Troop Leader Shelly Cheng reported that Girl Scouts working on their Junior Bronze Award who worked on the project included Megan Cheng, Emily Green, Marissa Crowell and Taryn Krier. Other Brownies and family members also assisted in the all day project.

A “rain garden” not only beautifies the area, but also helps with the drainage of the area and helps retain and treat stormwater runoff.

Our thanks to all who helped on this project!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

July 4 Children's Independence Day Parade-Mark the date!

Trustmark Bank and Windward Slopes will host the fifteenth annual Children’s Independence Day Parade on July 4, 2011. Decorate your favorite “float” and join other patriots in this celebration of our great nation’s birth!
The parade will gather at 9:30 A.M. in front of 9677 Cutter Lane. The parade will start at 10:00 AM and proceed through Windward Slopes along Cutter Lane turning right on Leeward Slopes; then left on Lighthouse Lane to Windward Slope; the parade will continue on Windward Slope to Trustmark Bank, where refreshments will be served to all. Several businesses have donated ‘goodies’ for everyone.

Join this 15th Annual Lakeland tradition on July 4!