Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Parking/trash etc. on City sidewalks and streets

During my early morning walks and bicycle rides, I really appreciate Lakeland residents who follow the Ordinances and don’t park on the sidewalk or throw trash/limbs etc. on the street and sidewalks.

I am surprised at the number of Lakeland residents who continue to unthinkingly park on the city sidewalks and especially at the number who put tree limbs and trash on the sidewalks or streets! This is dangerous to walkers and bicyclists, and limbs etc. on City streets pollute our streams, lakes and rivers.

I personally know some of our residents who park on sidewalks etc, and I know they get in a hurry and just don’t think of the possible consequences. However, the vast majority of Lakeland residents are courteous and thoughtful of their neighbors and I appreciate this.

It is a much bigger problem in many other communities, so I guess I should count my blessings that so many Lakeland residents are so thoughtful!

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