Saturday, November 05, 2005

Lakeland Wastewater Treatment Plant

Bids on a new Lakeland Wastewater Treatment Plant are being opened on Tuesday, November 22.

The new Lakeland Wastewater Treatment Plant is planned for the same location as the existing wastewater treatment plant. The plant is designed for a permitted capacity of 2.3 million gallons, versus the current capacity of 1.0 million gallons. Due to changes in the state requirements for treatment of wastewater, a new wastewater treatment plant would have been required whether Lakeland had any growth or not.

The Lakeland Sewer System is operated as an “Enterprise Fund” and is a separate entity from the City. All Sewer System expenses are paid by Lakeland Sewer System customers. The “Lakeland Board of Sewerage Commission” is the oversight Board for the Lakeland Sewer System. The members of the Lakeland Board of Commissioners are also the members of the Lakeland Board of Sewerage Commission.

Best of all, financial forecasts indicate that only a $1.00 increase every five years in sewer fees will be necessary to repay the loan on the new Wastewater Treatment Plant. Growth and development fees will pay the remainder of the costs of the new plant. Of course, we hope these forecasts are correct!

Bids (and possible alternatives to a new wastewater treatment plant) will be considered at the December 1, 2005 Board of Commissioners/Sewerage Commission Regular Meeting.

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