Sunday, April 09, 2006

Dan Scott achieves designation as National Certified Parks Inspector

I am pleased to announce that Dan Scott is now designated as a National Certified Parks Inspector. He passed his exam on the first try! This provides Dan with the training and expertise necessary to insure our parks meet the highest standards of safety for our children.

Dan joins other members of our staff who have achieved excellence in their field. Other Staff members who have designations for excellence in their field include Growth Management Director J. Higbee (AICP*); Planner Jim Ackinson (AICP); City Engineer Karen Jarrett (P.E.**); Public Works Director Chris Masin (P.E.); City Recorder Sontidra Franklin (Certified Municipal Clerk) and Natural Resources Director Eric Bridges (Arborist AND Forester, one of the few professionals in Tennessee with both designations). I also am a “Credentialed” City Manager, meaning that I have comply with certain standards on training each year.

All of these designations require yearly (or periodic) training to maintain their designation and provide the highest service to Lakeland residents.

*AICP means meeting requirements for certification by the American Institute of Certified Planners. This designation requires a minimum amount of experience, passing a stringent test and periodic training in the field of planning.

**P.E. means Professional Engineer. A P.E. is obtained only after a minimum number of years of experience, passing a stringent test and periodic training in engineering.

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