Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Shelby County Schools District 2 appointment

The Shelby County Commission is scheduled to appoint a Shelby County Schools Board Member to replace Wyatt Bunker at the October 9, 2006 County Commission Meeting. (This is my latest understanding. At one time it was scheduled for October 2.)

The Lakeland Board of Commissioners recently adopted a Resolution asking the Shelby County Commission to appoint a resident of either Lakeland, Arlington or the part of Collierville that composes Shelby County School District # 2, which is “our” District.

The reason for the Resolution wording is Shelby County Schools District # 2 includes Lakeland, Arlington and the north part of Collierville and Reserve Areas. Note that the only other areas of what is now the “county” part of Shelby County Schools District # 2 is in the Memphis Reserve Area, meaning that when Memphis annexes the area, it will be a part of Memphis City Schools.
If an appointment to the Shelby County Schools District # 2 is made from this area, one of our Board Members will actually be a resident of the Memphis City Schools District, not Shelby County District # 2!

No matter how qualified an appointee is, the Board of Commissioners feels the new School Board Member should represent the District and not a separate School District! It seems logical that the Shelby County Commission would appoint a person who truly represents the District and the Board Member should live in that District.

This is a brief explanation of the reason for the Board of Commissioners action. Basically it is their believe that a representative of the voters should live in the same district as the voters.

Residents may wish to contact the Shelby County Commissioners with comments on this matter. Shelby County Commissioners and a contact number are noted below. District # 4 Commissioners are “our” County Commissioners.

As a general rule, I have found the Shelby County Commissioners (both the Commissioners representing Lakeland as well as Commissioners representing other Districts) to be very responsive and at least are willing to listen to your position and explain why they take the actions they do.


District 1:

Mike Ritz
(901) 545-4301

George Flinn, Jr.
(901) 545-4301

Mike Carpenter
(901) 545-4301

District 2:

J.W. Gibson, II
(901) 545-4301

Henri E. Brooks
(901) 545-4301

Deidre Malone
(901) 545-4301

District 3:

James Harvey
(901) 545-4301

Sidney Chism
(901) 545-4301

Joe S. Ford
(901) 545-4301

District 4 (Lakeland’s District):

Joyce Avery
(901) 545-4301

Wyatt Bunker
(901) 545-4301

David Lillard
(901) 545-4301

District 5

Steve Mulroy
(901) 545-4301

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