Persons noticing illegal soliciting may call the Sheriff at 379-7625.
Section 1:
Chapter 9-201, 9-202 and 9-203 of the Lakeland Municipal Code are deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:
Chapter 9-201: Selling Prohibited:
It shall be unlawful anywhere in the City of Lakeland, Tennessee, for any person, peddler, huckster, hawker or transient vendor to sell or offer for sale on streets and street right-of-ways, private residences, from motor vehicles, and all types of transportation conveyances, except as allowed elsewhere in the Code, any goods, wares, services or merchandise of any nature.
Chapter 9-202: Panhandling prohibited
It shall be unlawful anywhere in the City of Lakeland, Tennessee to stop a vehicle or approach a stopped vehicle on a public street or roadway and ask for donations of any kind or sell any product standing on said street, roadway, sidewalk or median.
Chapter 9-303: Exceptions:
A. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to bona fide merchants who deliver goods in the regular course of business.
B. Solicitors for charitable, non-profit or religious organizations who go from dwelling to dwelling, business to business, street to street, taking or attempting to take orders for goods, wares and merchandise are exempt from these provisions, provided a Lakeland Permit is obtained, a picture identification is worn at all times and the organization meets the Internal Revenue Service Criteria to qualify as a charitable, non-profit or religious organization.
C. The dispensing of religious pamphlets or other literature which is protected by the United States Constitution under Freedom of Speech, Religion or Press is exempt from this chapter.
D. Campaigning for public office is exempt from this Chapter.
Public Hearing: May 22, 2006.
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