Monday, January 07, 2008

YOUR ACTION NEEDED-Shelby County Schools proposed Attendance Zones

After contacts from Lakeland residents on the Shelby County Schools proposed Attendance Zones, I reviewed the proposed zones and I am dismayed by the apparent complete lack of consideration in the proposed zones.

As proposed, the proposed attendance zones ( have the effect of destroying the social fabric of Lakeland. If I understand the zones correctly, Lakeland elementary children would be sent to three different elementary schools! Students who play Lakeland recreational leagues together and live less than a mile from Lakeland Elementary will be assigned to schools several miles away!

The Lakeland Board of Commissioners Agenda for this Thursday, January 10, has a Resolution to request that the Shelby County Schools reconsider this zoning. It will literally have the effect of making strangers out of neighbors! The Lakeland Board of Commissioners have strongly supported Lakeland recreational leagues for a number of reasons, including promoting a Lakeland identity and the proposed Shelby County Schools zoning has the effect of fragmenting the community.

The Shelby County Schools has two Public Hearings scheduled. I encourage all Lakeland residents (whether you have children or not, the proposed zoning is a disaster for Lakeland, and especially for Lakeland children).

-A Public Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, January 10, 2008 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Bartlett High School, 5688 Woodlawn.

-A Public Hearing is scheduled for Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at Barret’s Elementary School, 10280 Godwin Road.

I urge all Lakeland residents to attend all Shelby County Schools Public Hearings and meetings and protest the proposed attendance zoning if you agree that the proposed attendance zones will have a significant negative effect on Lakeland.

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