Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tennessee Statutes on City review of utility projects

Tennessee Statutes require that utilities have their projects reviewed by the Municipal Planning Commission of the City the project is located in. The utility may overrule the decision of the Municipal Planning Commission, BUT it must submit the plans for review.

This seems to make common sense. The City has the right to review and comment on a project, but the utility (MLGW in this case) has the right to complete the project for the benefit of the customers.

The Tennessee Statutes appear to be clear in this. MLGW obviously disagrees, but in spite of many promises from MLGW legal staff to send us "proof" that they don't need to even have their projects reviewed, we have not received any such "proof" from the MLGW legal staff, so we assume the position of the City is correct.

For obvious reasons, any City should have the right to review projects in its' City limits and Tennessee Statues support this right.

Blue Reflector on Canada Road

As you drive down Canada Road, you occasionally see a "blue" color reflector. The blue reflector indicates a fire hydrant at that location.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

MLGW clearcuts ROW on Monroe Street

Many years ago, in the City of Herington, Kansas, the Rock Island Railroad was "King". If I recall correctly, over 50% of the City adults were employed by "the Rock".

The Rock Island Railroad declared bankruptcy and all of the Herington residents faced unemployment.

Obviously the Rock Island Railroad Station had strong emotional significant to the Herington residents, and, even in the face of unemployment from what was a considered a high-paying, stable job, residents banded together to save the Rock Island Railroad Station and put it on the Historical Register.

One night-literally in the middle of the night=the Rock Island Railroad demolished the Rock Island Railroad Station which had such significance for the residents of Herington.

I was reminded of this when, on Wednesday, February 27, MLGW "clear cut" a stretch of Monroe Street to install new electric lines without any regard or consideration for Lakeland residents and our concern about maintaining our trees and natural resources.

To make matters worse, they left the road littered with bark and tree debris leaving a dangerous situation for Lakeland motorists.

We realize MLGW has to install their electric lines. However, in this case, Natural Resource Director Eric Bridges and Natural Resources Technician Nick Bridgeman had been working with MLGW for several months to help select an alternative route which would be less intrusive on the environment.

Overall, I think MLGW provides excellent service at reasonable rates. I also have found that most MLGW personnel are dedicated to their job provide outstanding service, and many have worked with us to help conserve our natural resources that are significant to Lakeland residents.

I am disappointed that MLGW-which apparently is accountable to no-one-would proceed in this manner. In this case, Eric and Nick (and David Smith) have worked with MLGW on possible alternatives, which appeared to be less costly.

What I find very disturbing is comments by MLGW that Mayor Carmichael or I approved this action. We did not approve this action. I would feel much better if MLGW had just said "we don't care what Lakeland thinks" and proceeded rather than stating or attempting to hint in any way that their action had been approved.

At least the Rock Island Railroad didn't attempt to say any city officials had approved the action and they didn't even bother to apologize. They did clean up their mess.

Litter-Marketing resumes

Over the last several days, I have personally received three "litter marketing" items. Oddly enough one was a "rock in a plastic bag", one was a piece of paper put on my mail box (which fortuanately for them got wet and I couldn't read it) and one was placed on my door late at night. It gave me the creeps to think that someone snuck by my door late in the evening and left this.

"Litter marketing" of this type is illegal. Please report all such items to the Code Enforcement Department at City Hall, 867-2717 or e-mail Please include the type of literature, and as much information as possible including such information as the name of the company, address, phone number, e-mail etc. and the type of delivery.

Friday, February 22, 2008

New Canada Road

The Tennessee Department of Transportation has sent the Grant Agreement, which will allow the City of Lakeland to start on New Canada Road. The City received the Agreement this week. The Board of Commissioners must approve the agreement. Federal funds are expected to pay 80% of the cost of New Canada Road.

The Agreement is currently being reviewed by the City, and is expected to be approved in the near future.

The first phase of the project will be to select the route for New Canada Road and complete engineering of the project. This phase is expected to take at least one year.

The "Context Sensitive Solution" method of selecting the route and amenities of New Canada Road. The Context Sensitive Solution involves the use of residents, businesses and other Stakeholders in developing the route and amenities.

Selection of a Consultant to handle the route selection process is the first step in the Context Sensitive Design route selection process, followed by detailed studies of the possible routes. .

We will provide more detailed information on this important phase (selection of a route) as soon as the information is available.

Comcast Channel 19

Comcast Channel 19 is being upgraded and will be out for several weeks while new equipment is being received, installed and operationalized.

The new equipment will allow the City to provide an improved Channel 19. Channel 19 is available on Comcast Cable television.

Changes can be made through the internet rather than obsolete technology and infomation will be more timely and presented in a more creative manner.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Charter Committee Meeting Monday, February 11

The Shelby County Commission will have a Public Hearing on the Charter amendments at 6:30 p.m., Monday, February 11, 2008 at the Bartlett Performing Arts Center.

Plan to attend and comment at this important Public Hearing!

Comments may also be made by E-mail and in writing at

Law Enforcement Task Force proposal on

The "new" edition of the Law Enforcement Task Force proposal is at

This proposal passed in a Shelby County Commission Committee and is planned to be on the agenda at the Shelby County Commission meeting on Monday, February 11, 2008.

I suggest Lakeland residents read the proposal and submit your comments to all of the Shelby County Commissioners prior to the meeting. The Shelby County Commissioners e-mail addresses are at

Stonebridge Golf Course purchase?

The Lakeland Board of Commissioners voted to continue to investigate the possible purchase of the Stonebridge Golf Course at the BOC Regular Meeting on February 7, 2008.

The BOC authorized the City Manager to solicit proposals to manage/lease the Golf Course if the City should purchase it. The proposals will allow the Board of Commissioners to decide if the golf course can be operated at a profit and a reasonable offer price for the property.

Bill “Goose” Munguia presented his analysis of the current status of the golf course at the meeting. This is available at

Some considerations on purchase of the golf course are noted below. This is part of a memo I sent the BOC after reviewing the analysis by Mr. Munguia and discussion with other personnel.

The Committee on the Stonebridge Golf Course purchase (Commissioner Plunk, Brenda Lockhart and Robert Wherry) has reviewed the preliminary analysis and discussed all aspects of a possible purchase.

The purchase of Stonebridge Golf Course would have the following positive impacts on Lakeland:

-Maintain the Stonebridge Golf Course as a golf course. A well run golf course would definitely be an asset to the City of Lakeland and Lakeland community.

-Maintain a large area of continuous green space in Lakeland, which is important for a number of reasons.

-Continue to maintain the property values of the Stonebridge and other residential areas in the area by eliminating any concerns about the future of the golf course area.

-Provide recreational, cultural, business and social opportunities for Lakeland. In addition to a golf course, there is potential space for additional recreational opportunities. There is also potential in the clubhouse for use for meetings etc., as well as the potential to lease out space to a quality restaurant.

-Purchase of the golf course would allow the City to pursue noise abatement from Interstate 40 along the golf course property line. This would significantly impact a large number of Lakeland residents.

Obviously the negative impact is if the Stonebridge Golf Course cannot be operated at least a “breakeven” point (including debt service). As the BOC will hear in the verbal report, there is significant and costly improvements needed to make Stonebridge Golf Course a competitive golf course. In my opinion, the key, as always, is motivated staff who will make Stonebridge Golf Course an excellent golfing experience again.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's Back! Law Enforcement Resolution back on agenda

The "Joint Resolution" (City of Memphis and Shelby County) is back on the Shelby County Commission Agenda for Monday, February 11, 2008. (The proposal passed in Committee Wednesday afternoon.)

Supposedly, changes have been made which provide for joint operations without predetermining consolidation of the Shelby County Sheriff and Memphis Police Department. However, I have been unable to obtain a copy of the proposal. A copy should be available when the agenda is posted either Thursday or Friday at

The title of the Resolution on the Committee Agenda was:

Joint resolution of the Board of County Commissioners and Memphis City Council establishing the Memphis and Shelby County Public Safety Commission (MSPSC) to assist with the negotiation of interlocal agreements acceptable to the Shelby County Sheriff's Department and the Memphis Police Department to functionally consolidate duplicative units, services and/or functions. Sponsored by Commissioner Mike Carpenter.

Report on possible purchase of the Lakeland Stonebridge Golf Course

A report to the Lakeland Board of Commissioners on the analysis of the possible purchase of the Stonebridge Golf Course by the City of Lakeland is planned at approximately 6:00 p.m., (time may be approximate), Thursday, February 7, 2008 at Lakeland City Hall.

The Report is scheduled at 6:00 p.m. at a BOC Special Meeting followed by possible action at the BOC Regular Meeting.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Excellent Web Page

For any information on emergency preparedness, I highly recommend Memphis/Shelby County Emergency Management web site contains a wealth of information which is user friendly.