Friday, February 08, 2008

Stonebridge Golf Course purchase?

The Lakeland Board of Commissioners voted to continue to investigate the possible purchase of the Stonebridge Golf Course at the BOC Regular Meeting on February 7, 2008.

The BOC authorized the City Manager to solicit proposals to manage/lease the Golf Course if the City should purchase it. The proposals will allow the Board of Commissioners to decide if the golf course can be operated at a profit and a reasonable offer price for the property.

Bill “Goose” Munguia presented his analysis of the current status of the golf course at the meeting. This is available at

Some considerations on purchase of the golf course are noted below. This is part of a memo I sent the BOC after reviewing the analysis by Mr. Munguia and discussion with other personnel.

The Committee on the Stonebridge Golf Course purchase (Commissioner Plunk, Brenda Lockhart and Robert Wherry) has reviewed the preliminary analysis and discussed all aspects of a possible purchase.

The purchase of Stonebridge Golf Course would have the following positive impacts on Lakeland:

-Maintain the Stonebridge Golf Course as a golf course. A well run golf course would definitely be an asset to the City of Lakeland and Lakeland community.

-Maintain a large area of continuous green space in Lakeland, which is important for a number of reasons.

-Continue to maintain the property values of the Stonebridge and other residential areas in the area by eliminating any concerns about the future of the golf course area.

-Provide recreational, cultural, business and social opportunities for Lakeland. In addition to a golf course, there is potential space for additional recreational opportunities. There is also potential in the clubhouse for use for meetings etc., as well as the potential to lease out space to a quality restaurant.

-Purchase of the golf course would allow the City to pursue noise abatement from Interstate 40 along the golf course property line. This would significantly impact a large number of Lakeland residents.

Obviously the negative impact is if the Stonebridge Golf Course cannot be operated at least a “breakeven” point (including debt service). As the BOC will hear in the verbal report, there is significant and costly improvements needed to make Stonebridge Golf Course a competitive golf course. In my opinion, the key, as always, is motivated staff who will make Stonebridge Golf Course an excellent golfing experience again.

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