Friday, January 09, 2009

January 29, 2009--SAVE THE DATE! Land Development Regulations meeting

City of Lakeland Public Meeting

Land Development Regulations meeting scheduled January 29, 2008

A public presentation on the Lakeland land development regulation project will be held at 7:00.p.m. Thursday, January 29, 2009 at the IH Club on 4523 Canada Road. This project will substantially impact all future development in Lakeland. All interested residents, developers, and builders should attend this meeting!

This joint meeting of the Lakeland Board of Commissioners and the Municipal Planning Commission is a public presentation about the ongoing project to rewrite Lakeland’s land development regulations. This project impacts all future development in Lakeland.

Lakeland contracted with Farr Assoc., of Chicago, IL, in early 2007 to begin a process of rewriting its land development regulations (codes) to implement its Comprehensive Plan, move toward more sustainable development practices, and consider other practical and aesthetic needs of the City. Doug Farr, principal of Farr Assoc., will be giving the presentation.

Doug Farr, principal of Farr Assoc., will discuss his new book, Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature. Named a top ten book of 2008 by Planetizen, Sustainable Urbanism is a guidebook that visualizes Sustainable Urbanism—the growing sustainable design convergence that integrates walkable and transit-served urbanism with high-performance infrastructure and buildings— as the normal pattern of development in the United States by 2030.

Using detailed facts and case studies, Doug Farr, the inagural chair of the US Green Building Council’s LEED for Neighborhood Development, describes how we can change the built environment to benefit generations to come, and how this concept is being applied to the new Lakeland development practices.

Farr Associates is widely regarded as one of the most sustainable planning and architecture firms in the country. Their mission is to design sustainable human environments putting human social and economic benefit on par with aesthetic and environmental aims. Nationally, Farr Associates has developed sustainable master plans or development codes for a wide variety of neighborhoods and districts.

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