Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Lakeland ZIP Code

Recently a resident pointed out to me that a Baseball Stadium has it's own ZIP Code, yet Lakeland is continually ignored in our requests for even consideration of a ZIP Code change. Also, in spite of repeated requests, the USPS provides mailers with the Lakeland addresses as "Arlington" rather than "Lakeland" as the "preferred" address. I have contacted many organizations (including Shelby County, MLGW and numerous mailers and magazines) and they all advise me this is the case, that they simply are not provided with "Arlington" rather than "Lakeland" for Lakeland addresses.

The staff of Congressman Blackburn, Senator Alexander and Senator Corker have been very helpful in working with the City on a "Lakeland ZIP Code" or some alternative to the present arrangement where we can't even get the name "Lakeland" on our mail.

The city staff is also preparing a formal request to be sent to the USPS District Manager in Memphis, which is the legal starting point for a request to change the ZIP Code. We expect this to be sent in May or June and we will be publicizing this so Lakeland residents can support the application

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