Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Putting up a Political Sign? Please read this!

Lakeland Sign Regulations especially relating to temporary political campaign signs are:

Signs on medians, intersections, or placed illegally on traffic control signs or public property (street right of ways, parks etc.) or, common open space, unoccupied property etc. are illegal signs and are picked up immediately. Common Open Space owned by the Home Owners Association etc. is not considered occupied property.

Political signs are allowed under the following circumstances:

-One sign per candidate or issue on an occupied lot. (with permission of the owner).

-Placed no closer than 15 feet to the edge of the pavement (or 5 feet behind the sidewalk), whichever is greater.

-Cannot be erected more than 30 days before Early Voting and must be removed within three days after the election.

-Signs cannot exceed 5 square feet in area per side and cannot exceed 48” in height.

For specific information the Lakeland sign ordinances are at, or contact Code Enforcement at City Hall, 867-2717.

We appreciate the cooperation of all residents in observing these sign regulations.

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