Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recycling and Refuse Report

A report by City Engineer Philip Stuckert provides the following insights into recycling and refuse:

-About 25% of Lakeland (950 of 3800 households) recycles on any given recycling pickup day.

-Lakeland's recycling totals for 2010 were 232.8 tons of paper and 160.3 tons of "commingled materials. In 2009, the totals were 232 .07 tons of paper and 149 tons of commingled material.

-Refused hauled to the landfill decreased from 4815 tons to 3824 tons, a 20.6% decrease. This was a result of diverting yard waste by segregating the majority of yard waste from municipal waste.

-Each Lakeland resident generated 2.0 pounds of refuse per day. The national average is 4.34 pounds per person per day.

The complete report is in the April issue of City Watch.

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