Friday, July 18, 2014

Lakeland to residents: "Just deal with it!"

The story noted below is from the COLA Facebook post.

As noted, while fees for trash pickup remains the same, the City reduced services as follows:

-No yard waste pickup (other than as part of normal pickup.)  According to the City web site, the yard waste is tossed "with the other trash", which means it is not recycled and goes to the landfill.  So much for recycling the large amount of yard waste generated by Lakeland residents.

-Trash pickup is now limited to the cart(s) plus "two bags", a reduction from the past "anything in a bag will be picked up".

-Recycling is now limited to once every two weeks, down from once weekly.

The city response to this:  "just deal with it, call a private hauler!"

(COLA Facebook post)

Clarification on yard waste/limbs in Lakeland
City Manager Chris Thomas wants residents to understand the policy about limb and yard waste pickup by Republic Services. You no longer have to separate the trash and yard waste. Also, please make sure the limbs in yard waste cart are cut to no more than 6’ or they will not be able to pick up.
“If you have anything more than the combination of two bags or two bundles per cart (so up to four of either, total) call a private company, “ said Chris. Sorry for the confusion."
Earlier this summer Chris said Lakeland would pickup extra limb piles or extra bags. However, that was during a period when the City was still trying to assess costs. It has been determined that monthly costs would have to increase to all home owners to pickup extra limbs or bags. "We are not doing that," We would also like to remind residents to place the cart with arrows pointing toward the street. said Chris.

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