Thursday, March 29, 2007

May 7 Community Meeting HOLD THIS DATE!

The second Lakeland Community Meeting with Farr and Associates on the Lakeland development code rewrite is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Monday, May 7, 2007 at the IH Clubhouse.
Hold this date! This will be an entertaining and informative meeting that you will enjoy!
J. Higbee, Lakeland Growth Management Director, advised that
The goal of this meeting is to gather community preferences for the types of development desired in Lakeland. The meeting will last about 2 1/2 hours and will focus on an image preference survey (IPS). During this activity, participants will view and rate photographs illustrating different development types. The images will include photographs from Lakeland, metro-Memphis, and communities from around the country. The results of the IPS will be compiled and used to help create zoning and subdivision standards that will guide future development in Lakeland.
Additional information will be provided in the near future, but mark this date on your calendar now and plan to attend this important meeting!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Connecting trail in IH Park under construction

Construction will start soon on a connecting trail between the main parking lot and the lake area at IH Park. The trail will start at the south side of the parking lot and end near the lake at IH Club.

The trail is designed to be accessible to persons with a disabilty and also willl provide a safe way to access the lake area of the park from the parking lot.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Call MLGW First!

During a recent meeting with Memphis Gas Light and Water (MLGW), it was noted that some property owners do not contact MLGW before contacting or starting development of property. If your property requires extensive work to hook up to electric, water or gas service (or if 3-phase service etc. is required), it may affect your development or even your purchasing decision.

Contact MLGW Residential Services before you make any major decisions! Call 528-4855 and ask for Chris Williams. If he is not available ask or leave a message for Wayne Ellis.

This call could save you a considerable amount of money!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Yard waste trucks added

Hunter Carruthers, with All Star Waste Service, recently advised he has added several yard waste trucks to handle the increased yard waste generated by the recent warm weather.

We appreciate All Star's response to this seasonal increase in yard waste.

Economic Development Commission meeting postponed

The Economic Development Commission scheduled for Thursday, March 22, 2007 will be rescheduled.

Lakeland's 30th Birthday!

Mayor Scott Carmichael recently noted that 2007 is the 30th Birthday for Lakeland. Brenda Lockhart and other City staff are working on a 30th Anniversary. Other organizations or individuals may wish to celebrate and participate in the City celebration.

Please contact Brenda or I if you have any suggestions!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Carol Pollard art display at Lakeland City Hall

Carol Pollard presents her art as the Art at City Hall artist. Visitors are encouraged to stop by and view a variety of her enjoyable art display.

She has a degree in Art and is a Charter Member of the Bartlett Art Association. Her art has been displayed in a variety of galleries and public areas and is now available for viewing at Lakeland City Hall!

We are enjoying her art daily at City Hall and appreciate her display and invite all residents to stop by and enjoy Carol Pollard’s art display.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dogs: Please keep on lease and clean up after dogs!

Lakeland residents are reminded that dogs must be on a leash in public areas. The Lakeland Park and Recreation Board members recently have had complaints about dogs running loose in city parks. This is a danger to others, as well as a violation of park rules.

Also, persons walking dogs are reminded to clean up after the dog. This is a courtesy to others as well as necessary for health and sanitation reasons. Again, park rules require persons to clean up after dogs or other animals.

If necessary, the City will start giving citations to violators to emphasize the need to comply with these rules.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

ATT Cable Bill-Oppose it!

The Lakeland Board of Commissioners adopted a Resolution urging Tennessee State Representatives and Senators to oppose the ATT Cable bill and I urge Lakeland residents (and any Tennessee citizen) to insist that this bill be defeated! I have enclosed a copy of the Resolution.

Remember, BellSouth is now part of ATT and BellSouth has refused to do ANYTHING to clear up the phone directory or number mess in Lakeland (they don't even RECOGNIZE Lakeland!).

This is the same company that advised that Lakeland residents could "write all the letter and call all they want", but BellSouth wouldn't do anything about providing a Lakeland phone book or clearing up the phone mess in Lakeland. They kept their word-they still can't find Lakeland or determine if a phone subscriber lives in Lakeland!



WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress established procedures and standards in order to foster competition and encourage the growth and development of cable systems, assure that cable systems are responsive to the needs and interests of the local community, assure that cable companies provide and are encouraged to provide the widest possible diversity of services to all, and provide for the orderly renewal of cable television franchises; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress, having determined that local governments are best suited to decide what is in the best interest of the citizens of their respective city, town or county, granted cable franchising authority to local governments; and

WHEREAS, municipalities across America have the legal right to enter into non-exclusive cable and video franchise agreements with cable and telephone companies; and

WHEREAS, municipalities welcome competition in the cable industry and stand ready to negotiate franchise agreements with cable and video operators in a timely fashion; and

WHEREAS, the “Competitive Cable and Video Service Act” is premised on the erroneous and unsubstantiated assertion that local governments and the local cable franchising process impedes competition among cable and video providers; and

WHEREAS, the existence of more than 600 cable franchise agreements that cable and telephone companies have entered into with local governments in Tennessee provides clear and convincing evidence that such assertions are baseless; and

WHEREAS, this legislation, under the guise of increased consumer access and choice, is simply an attempt by a corporate giant to bypass the local cable franchise process and unjustly gain advantages in its competitive fight with other cable and telephone companies that have duly and lawfully adhered to the congressionally authorized local cable and video franchising process and entered into more than 600 local cable franchise agreements with local governments in the state; and

WHEREAS, the local franchising process in Tennessee has benefited consumers and municipalities by ensuring that cable and video operators respond to local needs and interests; and

WHEREAS, these benefits include, but are not limited to, locally imposed and enforceable customer service standards; build out requirements that ensure cable operators serve the entire community; provision of public, educational and governmental (“PEG”) access channels; complimentary cable and Internet service to public buildings and community facilities; municipal management of the public rights-of-way; and franchise fee revenues for use of the public rights-of-way; and

WHEREAS, the Tennessee General Assembly is considering legislation that would effectively eliminate the process by which local governments establish and enforce requirements that protect its citizens and ensure that all residents are assured access to cable or video service; prohibit the state and local governments from enacting any consumer quality and service protection standards; greatly minimize local governments’ enforcement of customer service standards; significantly reduce PEG channel obligations, including local control and PEG support; abolish the granting of complimentary services; and limit local authority over the public rights-of-way; and reduce franchise fees paid to local governments for use of the public rights-of-way; and

WHEREAS, such legislation would radically alter the regulatory framework for cable operators that has been in place for decades, allow cable and video providers to “cherry pick” the most profitable neighborhoods and customers, and impede local governments’ ability to protect their citizens and provide for the needs and interests of their communities; and

WHEREAS, the affect of such legislation would undermine congressional intent regarding the provision of cable and video service; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress considered and rejected similar legislation last year;

RESOLVED by the Lakeland Board of Commissionersthat the City of Lakeland hereby opposes the “Competitive Cable and Video Services Act” currently being considered by the Tennessee State Legislature and the United States Congress; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Lakeland will send this resolution to all the members of the 105th Tennessee General Assembly, the Tennessee Congressional delegation, and the two U.S. Senators from Tennessee

No Burning without a Permit!

We have had several calls concerning burning debris, leaves and debris in Lakeland. We checked and found that NO BURNING is allowed in Shelby County (not just Lakeland) without a permit as noted below.

NO “agricultural burning” is allowed (this is how leaf burning is classified). Controlled burning is allowed by permit only from Shelby County Fire Department AND the Shelby County Health Department. This type of burning is the pit-type burning by developers.For burn permit, individuals should contact the Battalion Chief on duty at Shelby County Fire Department at 379-7072 and Allen Simpson from the Shelby County Health Department at 544-7303. Mr. Simpson said there are some exceptions to the “no agricultual burning” rules. He also indicated that cooking and ceremonial fires are permitted.

A copy of the Shelby County Fire Regulations will posted at in the near future.

Census 2007-Followup forms sent

The City has just sent a second mailing of Census forms to residents who have not yet returned a Census Form. If you have not received a Census Form, please download a form from or call 867-2717. We can fill out a form over the phone or by E-mail (

If you have not sent a Census form, please send a form listing all residents of your household as soon as possible. You may also call City Hall at 867-2717 and provide the information over the phone or E-mail the information to

If you have sent in a form and did not include the names and addresses of all residents of your household, please send in a revised form or call/e-mail City Hall with the names of the additional residents.

This is extremely important to Lakeland residents since the City receives approximately $109 per year for EACH resident!

Please contact City Hall if you have any questions or desire additional information.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

New Natural Resources Web Site on now has a page dedicated to Natural Resources, including a link to the nationally acclaimed Lakeland Natural Resources Inventory, links to webpages of a variety of natural resources as well as local programs and events involving natural resources. (Click “natural resources” under the government tab.)

The site includes detailed information on a variety of topics and issues on natural resources, as well as a comprehensive list of webpages. An example of links is noted below. This site is one the most comprehensive sources of information on Natural Resources I have seen.

(Some links on the Natural Resources web page).

US Forest Service
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- US Park Service
- TN Dept. of Environment & Conservation
- TN Wildlife Resources Agency
- TN Division of Forestry

· Other Agencies and Non-Profits
- National Arbor Day Foundation
- University Ag Extension (Forestry, Wildlife, Fisheries)
- International Society of Arboriculture
- Society of American Foresters
- TN Urban Forestry Council
- TN Native Plant Society

· Articles and Manuals
TN Best Management Practices

- TN Exotic Invasive Plant Pest List

Congratulations to Natural Resources Technician Nick Bridgeman and Natural Resources Director Eric Bridges on this outstanding site!

Memphis area top 10 in pure water

According to an article in a national magazine, Memphis water ranks in the top ten as the most pure water of all metropolitan areas (the top 100 in population). Since Lakeland water is provided by Memphis Light Gas and Water, which serves most of the Memphis area, we have some of the most pure tap water that is available in the nation!

Town Hall Meeting Rescheduled

The Town Hall Meeting normally scheduled for the first Board of Commissioners meeting in April has been rescheduled to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 20 at Lakeland City Hall. The meeting will begin with the initial Land Development Regulations and Design Guidelines presentation, which will include audience participation. An opportunity for general comments on any subject will follow the presentation.

The development of the Land Development Regulations and Design Guidelines is estimated to be an 18 month project and will significantly affect development in Lakeland. The new Regulations and Guidelines will basically implement the recently completed Comprehensive Plan.

Mayor Scott Carmichael, Vice-Mayor Stephanie Anderson and Commissioners Mark Hartz, Clark Plunk and Randy Nicholson encourage all Lakeland residents to attend this important meeting.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Soliciting Scam

All residents are reminded that commercial soliciting is not allowed in Lakeland. This includes all commercial salespersons who you have not invited to your home. (Religious groups are exempted, but still will have a City of Lakeland permit that they are authorized to solicit. Political campaigning is exempt.)

Report any violations to the Shelby County Sheriff at 901 379-7625 and to City Hall at 867-2717.

I was advised of the following letter which describes why the City of Lakeland adopted a "no commercial soliciting" policy:

I am a resident in (Lakeland Addition) meadows Subdivision. Many of you are probably aware that there have been several young people trying to sell magazine subscriptions door-to-door. Their "story" is that they are students of a local University and they are raising funds and looking for sponsors for one of their school programs, such as ROTC.

After thinking about it over night and reconsidering my purchase, I decided to do a little research on the Internet. I cannot stress enough - this is a total SCAM! I have attached only one of many articles about this company called Interstate Subscription Service, or ISS. They have also been reported to the Better Business Bureau. From what I have read, a large majority of the customers never receive their magazine order. These solicitors are not students, nor do they live nearby. They travel in groups from city to city, playing on innocent families to buy their magazines.

Yes, I was duped. I am now in the process of getting this canceled and my money back. On the back of the sales receipt you have the option to cancel within 3 days of purchase by filling it out and returning it (postmarked) by the deadline. I also called the company at (210) 340-0002 and was assured that my check would not be cashed and they would return it to me through the mail. According to the representative I spoke with, they DO NOT condone their sales representatives telling potential buyers anything other than the truth. If they are reported, they are fined on the 1st offense, suspended on the 2nd offense and terminated on the 3rd offense. I cannot verify whether or not that is true. We are a small community and we know most of our neighbors and their children. If your children are trying to raise money for a school fund-raiser or otherwise (sports, etc.), it is a wise idea to go with your children, even if you stand on the street and let them do the talking. Times have changed and it's dangerous out there. It's our responsibility to keep our children and neighbors safe. You don't always know who is living down the street.