Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Census 2007-Followup forms sent

The City has just sent a second mailing of Census forms to residents who have not yet returned a Census Form. If you have not received a Census Form, please download a form from www.lakelandtn.gov or call 867-2717. We can fill out a form over the phone or by E-mail (cityhall@lakelandtn.org).

If you have not sent a Census form, please send a form listing all residents of your household as soon as possible. You may also call City Hall at 867-2717 and provide the information over the phone or E-mail the information to cityhall@lakelandtn.org.

If you have sent in a form and did not include the names and addresses of all residents of your household, please send in a revised form or call/e-mail City Hall with the names of the additional residents.

This is extremely important to Lakeland residents since the City receives approximately $109 per year for EACH resident!

Please contact City Hall if you have any questions or desire additional information.

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