Tuesday, March 13, 2007

No Burning without a Permit!

We have had several calls concerning burning debris, leaves and debris in Lakeland. We checked and found that NO BURNING is allowed in Shelby County (not just Lakeland) without a permit as noted below.

NO “agricultural burning” is allowed (this is how leaf burning is classified). Controlled burning is allowed by permit only from Shelby County Fire Department AND the Shelby County Health Department. This type of burning is the pit-type burning by developers.For burn permit, individuals should contact the Battalion Chief on duty at Shelby County Fire Department at 379-7072 and Allen Simpson from the Shelby County Health Department at 544-7303. Mr. Simpson said there are some exceptions to the “no agricultual burning” rules. He also indicated that cooking and ceremonial fires are permitted.

A copy of the Shelby County Fire Regulations will posted at www.Lakelandtn.gov in the near future.

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