Monday, December 29, 2008
Holiday Schedules
No refuse collection pickup on Thursday, January 1. Thursday schedule will be picked on Friday, Friday's schedule will be picked up Saturday.
New schedule takes effect Monday, January 5, 2008. Refuse, recycling and yard waste will be picked up on the same day, either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. See for new schedule.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Refuse, recycling and yard waste map -Schedule effective Monday, January 5, 2009
A map of new schedule with detailed information on schedules of specific housing additions is noted below. A map and schedule is also available at
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Housing Additions scheduled for WEDNESDAY weekly pickup of refuse, recycling and yard waste
Effective Wednesday, January 7, 2009, the following additions will be picked up on a WEEKLY basis for refuse collection, recycling and yard waste* EVERY WEDNESDAY
A map will be available in near future at Call City Hall at 867-2717 on or after Monday, December 29 if you have any questions or desire additional information.
Club Walk
Eagle Creek
Fairway Meadows
Kimberly Trace
Lakeland Estates excluding:
Elm, Oak, Maple, Larch, Sequoia
Plantation Fairways
Seventh Fairway
Windward Slopes
*Yard waste should be put out on Tuesday.. Normal amounts of yard waste will be picked up on Monday, but large amounts may be picked up later, but during the same week.
Housing Additions scheduled for TUESDAY weekly pickup of refuse, recycling and yard waste
Effective Tuesday, January 6, 2009, the following additions will be picked up on a WEEKLY basis refuse collection, recycling and yard waste* EVERY TUESDAY
A map will be available in near future at Call City Hall at 867-2717 on or after Monday, December 29, 2008 if you have any questions or desire additonal information.
Creekside Manor
Evergreen Hills
Brunswick Hills
Ivy Creek
Lakeland Estates ( only Elm, Oak, Maple,
Larch, Sequoia)
Lakeland Heights
Plantation Hills
Salem Lake Estates
Veranda Woods
Windsor Grove
Winstead Farms
Highway 70
Old Brownsville
(west of Chambers Chapel)
All Streets North of Loosahatchie River
*Yard waste should be put out on Tuesday.. Normal amounts of yard waste will be picked up on Monday, but large amounts may be picked up later, but during the same week.
Housing Additions scheduled for MONDAY pickup of refuse/recycling and yard waste
Effective Monday, January 5, 2009, the following additions will be picked up on a WEEKLY basis refuse collection, recycling and yard waste* EVERY MONDAY
A map will be available in near future at Call City Hall at 867-2717 on or after Monday, December 29, 2008 if you have any questions or desire additonal information.
Canada Woods
Cool Springs
East Shores
The Grove
Bentbrooke Hills
Canada Trace
Herons Ridge
Plantation Oaks
Sterling Place
The Pointe
The Preserve
Woodland Park
Chambers Chapel Rd.
Cobb Rd.
Monroe Rd.
Seed Tick Rd. (south of Mem.-Arl.)
*Yard waste should be put out on Monday. Normal amounts of yard waste will be picked up on Monday, but large amounts may be picked up later, but during the same week.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Canada Road Median Landscaping
The north "pod" of the Canada Road median was not landscaped at this time, since there the median will be disturbed by construction in the near future and it didn't make sense to spend the money on landscaping until the construction is finished.
Natural Resourcs Director Eric Bridges, Natural Resources Technician Nick Bridgeman and City Engineer Philip Stuckert spent a lot of time and effort on this project to make it a success.
The Landscape Architect was Lakeland's own A2H, which has an office at 3009 Davies Plantation Road.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Weekly refuse collection, recycling and yard waste pickup schedules will start Monday, January 5, 2009. The exact routes are still being determined and will be posted on all available media when confirmed, including this blog, the City of Lakeland Web, and distributed to all available news media.
Maps and information will also be available at City Hall, 10001 Highway 70, Lakeland, Tennessee 38002 (867-2717).
We expect the routes to be confirmed within the next several days.
Holiday Schedule-Refuse Collection Changes
City Hall Holiday Schedules
* For Life-threatening emergencies requiring Police, Fire or Medical response: Dial 911
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Emergency Preparedness Videos on YouTube
Information from Channel 19 is also posted at this site.
Log on to the address noted below to view these videos:
Friday, December 12, 2008
Jim Bacon
We are sorry to hear of Jim Bacon’s passing on Monday, December 8, 2008. Jim currently served as Chair of the
He was very active on the
Jim was instrumental in establishing the
In my mind, Jim Bacon truly exemplified the
We will miss him.
Lakeland Emergency Management Program Starting
At a Town Meeting last year, a resident asked the question, “what will the City of Lakeland do in the event of a major disaster”?
As a result of this question, Mayor Carmichael and the Board of Commissioners asked that Emergency Management be placed on the Annual Board of Commissioners Retreat for detailed discussion.
The city determined that, while the Memphis/Shelby County Emergency Management Agency does an excellent job, the City of Lakeland needed a local program to complement and be a liaison with the Shelby County EMA.
A primary purpose of the local program would be to insure City personnel were prepared for an emergency and that information and training was available to Lakeland residents and businesses. The special emphasis is on survival of the “first three days”, the restoration of public and private services and the continuation of business.
While a full-time Lakeland Emergency Management Director was budgeted, this was changed to a part-time position as a result of the economic slowdown. We were fortunate that the top applicant for the Lakeland Emergency Management Director position, Claude Talford, was available for appointment to the position on a part-time basis. Claude is retired from the Memphis Fire Department and also recently served as the Shelby County Emergency Management Director.
Claude has been active in reviewing and improving our existing Emergency Management program, including training, equipment and supply needs, and available grant and training programs. He is coordinating offering CERT Training and other Emergency Management training.
Claude is available to speak to Lakeland Civic groups, Homeowner Associations, Neighborhood Associations and individual businesses and neighborhoods on emergency management and especially preparing for an emergency, survival for the first three days and, for businesses, how to prepare for a disaster and continue in business after a disaster. Programs will be announced after the first of the year
Claude is preparing monthly (or more frequent) short tips on how to cope with emergency situations ranging from winter weather to major disasters. These will be made available on the city web page, QNet and are available for distribution to “get the word out”.
I am pleased to have an Emergency Management Director with Claude Talford’s experience and qualifications and I have been very pleased with his progress during his short time as Emergency Management Director. He has reviewed our current Emergency Management operations and procedures and is already taking action to insure the City and community are better able to respond to future emergency situations by arranging for training, looking for grants for equipment and strengthening our Emergency Management response procedures.
Lakeland Dance this Saturday, December 13
Dance to the music of the 60’s and 70’s (and a few years on either side) this Saturday, , December 13 at the International Harvester (I.H.) Clubhouse, 4523 Canada Road from 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
This is a change from the normal Third Saturday dance due to the Holidays. The regular schedule will be resumed in January.
The River City Boppers dance club will be operating the dance as a joint recreational event with the Lakeland Parks and Recreation Department.
Cost is $4.00 for Lakeland residents and club members. Soft drinks are available for a donation. The IH Club is a non-smoking facility.
The International Harvester Managerial Club and the City of
Persons or organizations wishing to reserve the Clubhouse may call 901-867-2717,
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
School Zone Public Hearing on Arlington Elementary School and Lakeland Elementary School
Since Shelby County Schools ignores neighborhoods and City boundaries in assigning students, residents should not assume they will be assigned to a a specific school (such as Lakeland Elementary) just because it seems to make sense.
School zone changes are being considered for Arlington and Lakeland Elementary, so all interested residents are encouraged to attend.
Monday, December 08, 2008
New Canada Road Stakeholders Committee Agenda
Stakeholder Team Partnering Meeting
Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008 @ 3 PM
Location: International Harvester Managerial Park
I. Opening Comments & Project History
II. Introductions of Teams
III. Principles of Partnering
IV. Context Sensitive Solutions
V. Project Issues
VI. Team Goals
VII. Closing Comments
VIII. Adjourn
Only members of the Stakeholder Team can participate during the meeting. Other attendees may observe, but cannot participate.
New Canada Road Stakeholders Committee meeting this week
The Agenda will be posted as soon as it is released. The public is welcome to attend.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Windward Slopes Park receives "Best Facility" Award!
Lakeland Park and Recreation Director Brenda Lockhart prepared the application for the grant for the Windward Slopes Park improvements and was a major factor in planning the activities for the park. Congratulations to Brenda!
TRPA is a non-profit professional society of approximately 1200+ individual and agency members organized in 1952 and in support the efforts of park and recreational professionals to achieve healthy, livable communities. TRPA exists to strengthen and unite those committed to the benefits of parks and recreation.
The City also received the Tier One Benchmarking Certification from the Department of Environment and Conservation Recreational Educational Services. This also involved a lot of work and effort on the part of Brenda Lockhart and is a major basis for a successful park program. The Benchmarking Certification is valid from 2007 to 2012.
Board of Commissioners appoint Volunteer Board/Commission Members
Sal Feraci, Jeffery Moder and Lew Cornett were appointed to the Design Review Commission. (Sal Feraci and Jeffery Moder were reappointed to new terms.)
John Dudas and Tanya Wallace were appointed to the Economic Development Commission. (John Dudas was reappointed to a new term.)
John Ward and Hank Hess were reappointed to a new term on the Lakeland Park and Recreation Board.
We appreciate the persons who applied for appointments to the volunteer Boards and Commissions. We are very pleased at the quality of the applications and only regret that all of the qualified applicants could not be appointed.
I encourage applicants who were not appointed to apply for future vacancies. While most appointments are made in December of each year, openings do occur throughout the year.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bottle Bill up before Tennessee Legislature
Litter is not only unslightly. Litter gets into our lakes, streams and rivers and pollutes the water. Litter creates havoc with storm water systems and the City has spent a lot of money on correcting damage from litter, leaves and yard waste etc. and private drainage systems are also damaged.
For several years, the Tennessee Legislature has considered a "bottle bill" which would require a deposit for bottles etc. (I remember when I was a child picking up bottles for the .02 deposit refund!)
I became a real believer last year when I was in a large city where the state (or at least the City) had a "bottle bill". While I am sure the stores got tired of street people bringing in bottles and cans for refunds, the city was very clean and it obviously showed.
Quite frankly, I was much more impressed with the city (Detroit) than I expected to be. While I was impressed with the friendliness of the residents, I was also impressed by how clean the city was.
The information below was prepared by Jesse McCabe and is being submitted by Natural Resources Director Eric Bridges to the Natural Resources Board for a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners on support of the "bottle bill" which is up for consideration this year.
1. Discarded drink containers make up over one half of roadside litter volume.
2. States with beverage container deposit legislation eliminated 80 to 90% of beverage container litter.
3. A University of Tennessee survey determined 80 percent of registered voters support beverage container deposit legislation.
4. Thirteen states have successful beverage container deposit programs.
5. Beverage container deposit legislation will create jobs
6. States with beverage container deposit legislation have seen an overall reduction in litter in general as well as an increase in overall recycling.
7. The re-use of recycled materials saves energy by eliminating costs incurred by using virgin materials.
A 5 cents deposit is placed on drink containers of 2 liters volume or less, excepting liquor, wine and milk containers. Also a beverage container fee of 3 cents is collected by the State of Tennessee from the distributors of drink container products. This 3 cents fee is collected at the beginning of the production cycle.
At present beer and soft drink distributors pay an up front fee or tax on their products to offset the costs of picking up litter. This fee is divided up among the 95 counties in Tennessee using a formula based on population and mile of road. This fee will be eliminated.
The litter funding will be done thru the proceeds of the container deposit program. The handling fee (officially called the "beverage container fee") is essentially an administrative fee paid by beverage distributors for each container they manufacture or import for sale in Tennessee. The fee is collected by the state at the beginning of the production cycle, and paid out to the redemption center at the end of the cycle. The fee also pays for all personnel, administrative and other operating costs of the program.
Ultimately it covers the enormous costs of keeping 200,000 tons a year of packaging (emphasis mine) out of our landfills and off of our roadsides, and sees that it is returned to the manufacturing stream. The amount of the handling fee is 3¢. This is the recommended minimum if a state wants to operate an efficient program and ensure an adequate network of independent redemption centers. A portion of any unused fees is rebated to the distributors at the end of the year.
No point of sale establishment will be required to accept return containers. They may opt to do so if they wish. Collection centers will take a variety forms and will be run as private businesses. These could take the form of stand alone redemption centers, micro-redemption centers as an adjunct to an established business, reverse vending machines or mobile redemption centers. All redemption sites will be monitored by the state to ensure sanitary standards and locations.
Potential Disadvantages
1. Inconvenience: will the public adapt to saving containers and “schlepping” them to the redemption centers.
2. Increase in price of beverages: a possibility, but not proven by states with container deposit legislation.
3. Another tax: The handling fee is already in place for most beverages, only those who do not redeem their container will be “taxed”.
4. Fraud: Fraudulent redemption of more than 24 containers can result in fines varying from $100 per container to up to $25000.
5. Loss of Keep America Beautiful Funds: Funds lost thru the repeal of current legislation funding for KAB will be replaced thru un-claimed deposits of new container deposit legislation.
The reduction of drink containers along Lakeland roadsides will lower labor costs in litter control and the redemption of deposit containers will provide income. Aesthetic improvement of Lakeland’s roadsides is not quantifiable in terms of money.
In Order for this legislation to become law it must pass thru several state house and senate sub-committees. In the House the first hurdle is Local Government sub-committee. In the Senate it is the Environment, Conservation & Tourism Committee.
The bill for the 2009 Session is expected to be the Tennessee Beverage Container Recycling Act.
Listed below are committee members who will play a role in deciding the fate of bill. Please note there are several local legislators supporting this bill.
2008 Local Government Subcommittee of the
To call toll-free, dial 800-449-8366, then, when prompted,
dial the last five digits of the member's phone number.
Member's name | District | Hometown | Legislature* | Work |
D-88 | | (615) 741-4453 | (901) 272-7884 | |
D-71 | | (615) 741-2007 | (731) 926-1120 | |
D-66 | | (615) 741-3979 |
| |
R-73 | | (615) 741-7475 | (731) 668-4544 | |
D-98 | | (615) 741-4575 |
| |
R-21 | | (615) 741-3736 | (865) 986-4201 | |
R-96 | Cordova | (615) 741-1920 | (901) 818-6192 | |
D-50 | Joelton | (615) 741-4317 | (615) 862-5314 | |
R-14 | | (615) 741-2264 | (865) 215-2360 | |
D-13 | | (615) 741-2031 |
| |
R-95 | Collierville | (615) 741-1866 | (901) 853-1348 | |
D-60 | Hermitage | (615) 741-6959 | (615) 874-8653 | |
D-11 | Greeneville | (615) 741-6871 |
| |
R-97 | | (615) 741-8201 |
| |
R-30 | | (615) 741-1934 |
| |
R-70 | Hohenwald | (615) 741-7476 | (931) 796-5943 | |
R-68 | | (615) 741-4341 |
| |
D-10 | | (615) 741-6877 | (423) 586-6942 | |
D-67 | | (615) 741-2043 |
| |
D-58 | | (615) 741-3853 | (615) 385-0590 |
* Sponsor
Senate Environment, Conservation and Tourism Committee
To call toll-free, dial 800-449-8366, then, when prompted,
dial the last five digits of the member's phone number
Member's name | District | Hometown | Legislature* | Work |
D-12 | Wartburg | (615) 741-1449 | (423) 346-2300 | |
R-9 | | (615) 741-3730 | (423) 479-2157 | |
D-25 | Dickson | (615) 741-4499 | (615) 740-5578 | |
D-14 | McMinnville | (615) 741-6694 |
| |
R-8 | | (615) 741-2427 |
| |
D-24 | | (615) 741-4576 | (731) 364-5415 | |
R-13 | | (615) 741-6853 | (615) 896-5440 | |
R-1 | | (615) 741-3851 | (423) 581-6206 | |
R-4 | Maynardville | (615) 741-2061 | (865) 992-6254 |
* Sponsor
For more contact information, go to