Saturday, April 26, 2008
May Schedule Changes
The Lakeland Board of Commissioners Work Session (normally scheduled for Monday, May 26) is rescheduled to Monday, June 2, 2008.
The Lakeland Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting (normally scheduled for Thursday, June 5) is rescheduled to Thursday, June 12, 2008.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Land Development Regulation presentation postponed
The Board of Commissioners will still hold their work session on other matters on April 28. City staff will recommend the BOC place this presentation on the Thursday, May 1, Regular Meeting or at a Special Meeting in May.
The new Land Development Regulations will also be presented at the Economic Development Commission Regular Meeting on Thursday, April 24. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at Lakeland City Hall, 10001 Highway 70.
The new Land Development Regulations are also presented and discussed at a series of public meetings currently scheduled. A schedule is posted at
Residents may also "meet with a Planner" to discuss the Land Development Regulations with a Planner. May times are:
May, 2008 “Planner Q & A” schedule for Land Development Regulations
Thursday, May 01, 2008, 5:00 – 6:30pm (evening)
Thursday, May 08, 2008, 3:00 – 4:30pm
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 3:00 – 4:30pm
Thursday, May 22, 2008, 3:00 – 4:30pm
Times for future months will be announced regularly.
Behind the Tree
Monday I read the following quote from a County Commissioner:
“ (If they quit protecting residents of Lakeland and Arlington) We could double the efforts in the inner city and that's where the major part of the crime takes place and let those officers patrol in the inner city, rather than patrol on the outside of the city."
The COUNTY Commissioners are talking about SHELBY COUNTY officers, paid for by our property taxes! What happened to “saving money” and “eliminating duplication”.
This reminds me of the old saying “Don’t tax me, don’t tax you, tax that person behind the tree”. I think to some of the County Commissioners, Lakeland is "that person behind the tree".
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Comcast Channel 19 back!
We are still learning the new program and equipment, and will continue to improve the programming on Channel 19.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Vehicle emission testing in Lakeland's future? YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED!
Obviously it makes no sense that Desoto County, which spews ozone north to Memphis (one of the testing facilities nearest to the Desoto line is the highest reading measurement for ozone) without any penalty while Memphis gets penalized for Desoto County’s ozone pollution.
What this means for Lakeland residents is another push to “punish” Shelby County residents by making all vehicles registered in Shelby County (but of course, letting all the commuters from surrounding counties off scot-free) go in for emissions testing, which really doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. It is my understanding that this may create MORE ozone, due to the waiting periods etc.
What really angers me is that this is all political and has little to do with the ozone pollution. The fact that Desoto County isn’t included in the Memphis “nonattainment” is a joke and pure politics. OF COURSE Desoto County pollutes and it normally pollutes towards Memphis.
Shelby County presented a reasonable plan for reaching "Attainment" (lower ozone readings) and Shelby County should be allowed to show the plan will work and obviously DeSoto County should be included with the Memphis "nonattainment" area.
I encourage all residents to contact your federal representatives and protest this travesty and urge that the Environmental Protection Agency take the following actions:
1. Desoto County be included in the Memphis Ozone Nonattainment Area; and
2. Protest the changing of the Memphis Ozone Nonattainment Area from “Marginal” to “Moderate” until Shelby County has had time to prove it can reach Attainment Status.
Contact information is noted below:
Senator Lamar Alexander
Washington Office455 Dirksen Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510Phone: (202) 224-4944Fax: (202) 228-3398
Memphis OfficeFederal Building167 North Main Street, #1068Memphis, TN 38103Phone: (901) 544-4224Fax: (901) 544-4227
Senator Bob Corker
Washington D.C. Office
United States Senate
Dirksen Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-3344
Fax: 202-228-0566
Memphis Office
100 Peabody Place, Suite 1335
Memphis 38103
Phone: 901-683-1910
Congressman Marsha Blackburn
Washington Office:509 Cannon Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-2811 202-225-3004 fax
Memphis Office: 7975 Stage Hills Blvd.Suite 1 Memphis, TN 38133 901-382-5811901-373-8215 fax
Friday, April 04, 2008
Applications being accepted for Lakeland Natural Resources Board and Park and Recreation Board
NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD: The City of Lakeland Board of Commissioners is accepting applications for the newly established Natural Resources Board (NRB).
The Natural Resources Board is a volunteer board consisting of six citizens and residents of
Desired qualifications include an interest in natural resources in
Applications are being accepted until 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, 2008, at
Applications are available at, by e-mailing, by calling 867-2717 or stopping by City Hall at 10001 Highway 70,
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: The City of Lakeland Board of Commissioners is also accepting applications for vacancies that may occur on the
The Parks and Recreation Board is also a volunteer Board. This board reviews and recommends park development plans and park and recreation programs. The Parks and Recreation Board meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM. Information on the
Residents with an interest in parks and recreation in
Applications are being accepted until 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at
Applications are available at, by e-mailing, by calling 867-2717 or stopping by City Hall at 10001 Highway 70,
Wi Fi and surveillance System in City Hall Park
The test project will include Wi Fi technology which will allow the public to access the internet at almost any location at City Hall Park, including the soccer fields.
Construction is expected to start in the near future. A completion date has not been established.
Hybrid vehicles coming to Lakeland City Hall
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Natural Resources Assessment public input sessions scheduled
The draft Natural Resources Assessment reviews the natural resources of Lakeland in the context of the public comments on the Natural Resources Inventory and the value of natural resources to the Lakeland environment.
Residents who are unable to attend either of these meetings or who wish to provide additional comments are encouraged to contact the Natural Resources Department at (901) 867-2717. includes information on natural resources in Lakeland.
Channel 19 returning soon!
The equipment and program has been received to update Channel 19 programming . I expect the new format to debut within the next two weeks. Comcast is assisting in training city staff on the new program and equipment.
To provide current information to all residents, including residents without access to Channel 19, we plan on uploading a video of the information on Channel 19 to YouTube so it is accessible to all residents.
Lakeland Sewer System
-For a number of years the Lakeland Sewer System used development fees to offset the cost of operating the sewer system, with the concept that existing residents should not pay for new development. This created an “artificially” low rate-not wrong since existing residents should not pay for development, but not reflective of our true costs, since development fees supplemented the sewer system costs.
-This year, we have the full impact of the new sewer treatment plant. The City was required to build a new sewer plant to meet new requirements for treastment of wastewater by 2007. The new treatment plant, due to the increased treatment of wastewater is more expensive to operate and maintain.
In addition to the cost of paying for building and maintaining the plant, the City has to fund “depreciation” of the new plant from current revenues. Unlike a private business where depreciation reduces taxes, the depreciation cost for public agencies is a cost paid for by current user. Depreciation cost is a cost that must be funded by sewer customers based on our current rate structure.
This did not affect us in the past, since development fees covered the depreciation expense.
-In addition, we had almost no development fees during the past two years. Since all development fees can be used as “current revenues”, development fees cushioned the costs of new development for existing users.
-The original intention was to use development fees and revenues from growth of new customers to supplement the payments. However, due to having to fully fund the deprecation cost and the lack of incoming development fees, the “three year rule” (the sewer system cannot have a loss for three years) is applied. While we are still getting experience with the plant, we are forecasting that the plant will cost substantially more per month more to maintain then the previous sewer plant.
-To make matters worse, growth in developments was not as strong as forecast. Sewer plants have “a long tail”-that is each additional user may be added at a minimal cost, while the Lakeland Sewer System receives the full revenue impact, at least up to the point where additional capacity is required. For example, (this is an estimate), an additional user may add $1.00 cost to the City, while the City receives the full $12.00 (or more) fee. A Report in 2003 projected that growth of the sewer system would be sufficient to pay for the sewer plant, with relatively small increases.
The State of Tennessee requires that a Utility which is separate from the City pay for itself (that is it should not subsidize the city, nor may the city subsidize the sewer system). No City revenue of any type can assist-it all has to come from sewer revenues. The Auditor is required to review our accounting each year to insure that the city does not subsidize the sewer system or vice-versa.
The Lakeland Sewer System has a cash balance of approximately $3,000,000. While this cannot be used to directly reduce or maintain rates, it can be used for capital outlay items, so that capital outlay projects and items (such as equipment etc.) can be purchased without affecting rates. The interest on investments also can be used as current revenues. The City Engineer is aggressively reviewing sewer operations to determine what costs can be cut or where capital investment can either reduce expenses or increase efficiencies to reduce future expenses.