Sunday, April 06, 2008

Vehicle emission testing in Lakeland's future? YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED!

Shelby County was recently notified that the Environmental Protection Agency is considering changing the Memphis ozone “non-attainment” area from “marginal” to “moderate”. For some odd (read political) reason, Mississippi counties were not included in the “nonattainment” area, so they are not restrained like Memphis and West Arkansas areas are in economic and industrial development.

Obviously it makes no sense that Desoto County, which spews ozone north to Memphis (one of the testing facilities nearest to the Desoto line is the highest reading measurement for ozone) without any penalty while Memphis gets penalized for Desoto County’s ozone pollution.

What this means for Lakeland residents is another push to “punish” Shelby County residents by making all vehicles registered in Shelby County (but of course, letting all the commuters from surrounding counties off scot-free) go in for emissions testing, which really doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. It is my understanding that this may create MORE ozone, due to the waiting periods etc.

What really angers me is that this is all political and has little to do with the ozone pollution. The fact that Desoto County isn’t included in the Memphis “nonattainment” is a joke and pure politics. OF COURSE Desoto County pollutes and it normally pollutes towards Memphis.

Shelby County presented a reasonable plan for reaching "Attainment" (lower ozone readings) and Shelby County should be allowed to show the plan will work and obviously DeSoto County should be included with the Memphis "nonattainment" area.

I encourage all residents to contact your federal representatives and protest this travesty and urge that the Environmental Protection Agency take the following actions:

1. Desoto County be included in the Memphis Ozone Nonattainment Area; and

2. Protest the changing of the Memphis Ozone Nonattainment Area from “Marginal” to “Moderate” until Shelby County has had time to prove it can reach Attainment Status.

Contact information is noted below:

Senator Lamar Alexander

Washington Office455 Dirksen Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510Phone: (202) 224-4944Fax: (202) 228-3398
Memphis OfficeFederal Building167 North Main Street, #1068Memphis, TN 38103Phone: (901) 544-4224Fax: (901) 544-4227

Senator Bob Corker

Washington D.C. Office
United States Senate
Dirksen Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-3344
Fax: 202-228-0566

Memphis Office
100 Peabody Place, Suite 1335
Memphis 38103
Phone: 901-683-1910

Congressman Marsha Blackburn

Washington Office:509 Cannon Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-2811 202-225-3004 fax

Memphis Office: 7975 Stage Hills Blvd.Suite 1 Memphis, TN 38133 901-382-5811901-373-8215 fax

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