Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Behind the Tree

Saturday, there was a story about how a County Commissioner stated the Shelby County Sheriff should stop patrolling in Lakeland and Arlington to “save money”.

Monday I read the following quote from a County Commissioner:

“ (If they quit protecting residents of Lakeland and Arlington) We could double the efforts in the inner city and that's where the major part of the crime takes place and let those officers patrol in the inner city, rather than patrol on the outside of the city."

The COUNTY Commissioners are talking about SHELBY COUNTY officers, paid for by our property taxes! What happened to “saving money” and “eliminating duplication”.

This reminds me of the old saying “Don’t tax me, don’t tax you, tax that person behind the tree”. I think to some of the County Commissioners, Lakeland is "that person behind the tree".

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