Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sustainable Shelby County meeting-Doug Farr speaking

I received the following notice, which may be of interest to Lakeland residents. I understand anyone interested is invited and encouraged to attend.

Of special interest to Lakeland residents, Doug Farr is the owner of Farr and Associates, the company that is working with the City of Lakeland in developing new Land Development Regulations for Lakeland.

July 8 – 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. – Memphis Botanic Garden

You are invited to join Mayor Wharton in launching the Sustainable Shelby agenda, our community’s first comprehensive agenda that is equal parts sustainability, smart growth, green building, and more. This agenda was produced from committees and public polling that converged to create detailed recommendations for a sustainable future.

This Sustainable Shelby call to action meeting will announce the agenda for the future and next steps to accomplish them. Special remarks will be made by Doug Farr, author of Sustainable Urbanism, the seminal book that set the context for our local agenda.

Please invite your friends and colleagues to be part of this history-making meeting.

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