Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Note from the Lakeland PTA

(NOTE:  I am reprinting this from the Lakeland PTA Facebook page since I feel they make a point that needs to be emphasized again and again.  WE NEED TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD AT THE "SHELBY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION"  to make our views known.

Education of our children is a key the quality living in Lakeland and so is important to ALL residents, not just residents with children.

Please read this and take any action you can to MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD for a quality education for our children.)

Lakeland PTA
Dear Lakeland Parents,

As many of you may already be aware, budget decisions are being made right now that will affect all of our students in the coming year. These decisions include the number of students per classroom, extracurricular activities, and administrative support, for starters. There will be meetings held at Memphis Teachers’ Learning Academy on Union Avenue on 1/31/13, 2/4/13 and 2/5/13, beginning at 5:30 p.m. We really need to mobilize now in order to make our opinions known.

First, we need to contact the members of the Shelby County Board of Education to let them know that we are interested in what decisions impact our students’ education.
Below is a short message that other PTAs in Shelby County are asking members to email or call in to these Board Members. A link to those names is attached here: (click on the drop down, “Board Members”). (Emphasis added)
Second, we would like for everyone to attend one or more of these upcoming budget meetings. Our voices, numbering over 1,000 PTA members, cannot easily be dismissed, and the School Board must know our concerns. Participation on site at these meetings is crucial.

Third, please forward this email on to any other parents or friends of Lakeland schools. Please encourage them to participate as well.

Thank you for all that you do!

Suggested message to the Shelby County Board of Education:

We, the members of the Lakeland Elementary School PTA, recognize the monumental task of financing the combined Memphis/Shelby County School Systems. However, we respectfully request that certain conditions be complied with, as was promised: (1) There would be no diminution of services; (2) We would have a world-class school system; (3) The success of ALL children would come first; (4) Children would notice little or no change in their day; (5) Parent participation is important. Further, we expect the process to be transparent and to allow ample time for input of all stakeholders, especially parents.
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