Thursday, October 27, 2005

FREE Household Hazardous Waste

From 8:30 am. to 2:00 p.m., Saturday, November 5, 2005, household hazardeous waste will be collected FREE at the Fairgrounds parking lot behind Fairview Jr. High, next to the former site of the Tim McCarver Stadium (on Early Maxwell Blvd off Central Avenue).

Generally items such as electronics (including computers, tv's, printers etc.), automotive/marine products; paint products, home, lawn and garden products (including pesticides etc.) and miscellaneous such as pool chemicals, aerosols, medicine, compressed gas etc. will be accepted.

Commerical businesses are NOT allowed.

Items not accepted include ammunition, explosives, medical waste, radioative material etc.

Items MUST be in a vehicle. Enter Early Maxwell off Central, stay in line and remain in your vehicle. Personnel at the site will remove the material.

The event is sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Enviornment and Conservation and the City of Memphis.

Take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of your old computers, printers, paint, chemicals etc. you haven't bee able to figure out what to do with and make Lakeland a safer place!

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