Thursday, October 13, 2005

Where NOT to put leaves, grass and tree debris!

We urge all residents to avoid throwing leaves/grass/tree debris in the street or, even worse, throwing it over your back fence.

Leaves, grass and tree debris create major problems for our storm drainage system and pollute our streams and lakes. Grass clippings and leaves etc. thrown over the back fence or on vacant property can create major pollution and drainage problems for your neighbors when the clippings and leaves wash down to their property.

BFI will pick up all grass clippings, leaves and tree debris when properly bagged or prepared. I urge all residents to use the BFI service you already pay for and avoid fines and damages to private and public storm water drains by disposing of leaves, grass clippings and tree debris improperly.

Putting bags of leaves, grass clippings or tree debris on the city street surface is illegal and dangerous to other motorists, pedestrians and bike riders.

Please take the time to dispose of these items correctly!

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