Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Chris Masin has resigned as Public Works Director after he accepted a position with Shelby County. We wish Chris well and appreciate his substantial contributions to Lakeland. He will be missed both professionally and personally.

Chris was hired to establish the first Geographic Information System (GIS) for Lakeland at a time when many people did not even realize what GIS is! Many decisions are based on this system established by Chris.

In 2001, Chris stepped in and “did whatever it took” to keep all operations of the City maintaining during a period of change. When I arrived, I was amazed when I realized how much and the variety of duties Chris had accomplished to keep everything running! He stepped in wherever he was needed and became the “go to” person to resolve problems and get things done.

In “Hurricane Elvis”, Chris was on the job supervising the cleanup and disposal of an enormous amount of limbs and debris.

Many times I would see Chris at all hours and days working to keep City services operational for our residents, or see the results of his work.

I think most of all, he was helpful and courteous to all, both other personnel and the public and he will be missed. We wish him the best in his new position. Fortunately, he will be close since he is still in Shelby County!

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