Saturday, January 06, 2007

Special Census of Lakeland residents coming

Lakeland residents will receive a Special Census form within the next two weeks. We are requesting that Census forms be returned as soon as possible to avoid losing an estimated $150,000 to $200,000 in state shared taxes EACH YEAR.

Lakeland residents can help by returning the form as soon as possible. A self-addressed stamped envelopment will be included with each Census form.

Tennessee cities receive an estimated $109.60 per person to provide services to residents. A portion of this must be used for street improvements or maintenance and the remainder is part of the General Fund budget that provides services to residents. The current official population of Lakeland is 8,011. We estimate that since the last census, at least another 1,500 residents have moved to Lakeland. Even this conservative estimate, the Special Census is expected be bring in over $150,000.

To emphasize the importance of the individual residents responding to the Special Census, consider that every 10 residents responding to the Special Census means over $1,100 per month for City services!

After the Census forms are sent out next week, Census forms will be placed for download at if you misplace your census form.

Residents with questions may contact Debra Murrell at the City of Lakeland, 867-2717, e-mail

You are important! Please return the Census form as soon as possible

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