Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Signs/Items on Right of Ways

I get at least seveal complaints a week about signs in street right of ways, especially "garage sale" type signs, as well as the signs that litter the city from businesses who want to sell insurance or "buy your home" or similar signs.

Regardless of the type of sign, signs are illegal in the public right-of-way and City crews will pick up all signs in the right of way.

Signs taped on traffic control signs create a danger since they detract a drivers attention and could cause an accident.

One garage sale sign is allowed in the front yard. Garage sale and similar signs on the street right-of-way, on signs etc. will be removed.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. I feel complying with this is a sign of respect for your neighbors, other residents, and the community.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Local Government in Action

Thursday night, at the Board of Appeals meeting, I observed what I felt is so wonderful about City government.

I saw many residents, both for and against a proposal, present their case to the Board of Appeals and be heard and have their feelings honestly considered.

One reason I enjoy working for City government so much is that City government is the closest to the residents. We can't always do what you want, but we listen!

BFI Refuse Pickup-No Construction Debris

Just a reminder-BFI does not pick up construction debris. Construction debris needs to be arranged to be removed by private pickup. Construction debris is generally considered to be lumber, rocks, bricks etc.

Residents appreciate other residents making timely arrangements for removal of construction debris.

Please contact City Hall at 867-2717 and ask for Debra if you have any questions, or E-mail CityHall@lakelandtn.org.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Debris on Streets

Lakeland residents are encouraged to avoid leaving debris (leaves, grass, tree debris for pickup, etc.) in the street. This is not only dangerous, but also creates substantial damage to streets and drainage facilities.

Debris in the street is also a violation of the Lakeland Ordinances and the Clean Water Act and also could create legal liability for residents in the event of property damage or injury resulting from debris in the street.

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping Lakeland clean!

Such items are especially dangerous to bicyclists and pedrisitians who are watching for cars, but not for branches, construction material or other debris in the street!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

State Shared Taxes

This is a little long, but I wanted to share a potential problem for Lakeland. For some reason, some Tennessee State Senators and Representatives are targeting cities without property taxes. Lakeland residents don't pay property taxes, but also don't receive the services of other cities. For example, a nearby City Mayor said his residents wanted "4 minute ambulance service and are willing to pay for it". Great! I agree. However, Lakeland residents are satisfied with the "12 minute response".

I don't see the problem with local determination! I hardly think some Tennessee State Senators and Representatives in Nashville should be telling Lakeland residents what local services we need!

Below is an analysis of a contrived attempt to take money from cities without property taxes, apparently so Tennessee State Senators and Representatives can get funds for their pet "pork" projects in their districts!

This is a little long, but it is important. Please contact me if you have any questions or desire additional information.


The City of Lakeland receives an estimated $750,000 (over 27% of the City General Fund Budget) per year in State Shared Taxes.

These are taxes paid by all Tennessee residents which are returned to the cities for use in providing services to residents.

-Revenues returned to City are based on population. For cities, the revenue is approximately $90 per year per resident.

-State shared taxes include revenues collected by the State from:

-Gas taxes (The City MUST use the revenues from gas taxes for street maintenance or improvements.)

-State Sales Tax (This is distributed based on population from the state sales tax, which is based on statewide sales. The City also collects an local option sales tax based on sales only in Lakeland.)

-Hall Income Tax.: This is an “income tax” collected on investment income only. The City share is based on the “hall income tax” paid by City residents, which is an exception to the “return based on population” of State Shared Taxes.

-Other lesser categories, but these are the major items.

The City of Lakeland uses State Shared Taxes for street maintenance and improvements (usually in the range of $200,000 to $300,000 per year) and other services.



Several years ago, State Shared Taxes were reduced (for Lakeland this was about a $43,000 reduction)

The Governor’s budget this year includes reinstatement of 50% of this loss, or approximately $21,500, with the other $21,500 restored next fiscal year.

Depending on the TennCare situation, we expected the funds will be reinstated if possible.


A State Legislative Study committee, for some reason, did a study on State Shared Taxes and Cities without property taxes.

The study used out of date and frequently erroneous material, but attempted to justify reducing or eliminating State Shared Taxes to cities without property taxes, even though no good reason was given.

We feel each City and residents has the right to decide on their own what services should be provided and what taxes should be paid. This is an unwarranted invasion of local rights by State politicians who apparently want to divert the funds to “pork barrel” wasteful projects in their districts.

No current legislation has been introduced to cut sales taxes to cities without property taxes, but an existing bill could be amended with little or no notice to eliminate state shared taxes to cities without property taxes.

Both Senator Mark Norris and Representative Bubba Pleasant support the continuation of State Shared Taxes without discriminating against cities without property taxes.

Obviously a lost of over 25% of our revenues would seriously hurt the city in maintaining streets, parks and other City services.

We urge all residents to support the continuation of State Shared Taxes when you talk with Senator Norris or Representative Pleasant of other Tennessee State elected officials.

In the event a bill is amended to penalize cities without property taxes, we urge you to call, write and visit all Tennessee Senators and Representatives to not pass the bill, and urge Governor Brehenson to veto any such bill.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

75 Smartest Books

As many of you know, I am a dedicated reader, and normally have two or three books "on read" at any time. I love to read and the phrase "So many books, so little time" definitely applies to me!

I also love to read magazines and noted the Fortune magazine article "the 75 Smartest Books" (about management). I decided my new goal will be to read those 75 books!

For several years I have made a point of spending at least 15 minutes reading something I may not otherwise read. At 15 minutes per day it may take a while!

Currently I am reading/studying Steven Covey's "The 8th Habit" and I find it fascinating. I am trying to read it slowly so I incorporate the principles!

However, I still do a lot of "junk" leisure reading, which I also greatly enjoy. That is one reason I started the "15 minute" reading program, so I would spend at least 15 minutes per day in reading for self or professional improvement!

Lakeland Green Presentation, New development

The Lakeland landscape will change signfiicantly if two new "mixed use" proposals proceed and recieve approval.

The Lakeland Green presentation Monday night was very well attended by local residents and other interested persons. The total project area is around 1200 acres and proposes a "village" concept.

At I-40 and Canada Road (directly north of the Lakeland Mall), Belz Enterprises is proposing a 125 acre mixed use development, which will include residential and commerial uses. We expect this proposal to be reveiwed by the Municipal Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners in the immediate future.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Bobbi Cornett City Hall Art Show

Bobbi Cornett is the City Hall "Artist of the Quarter" and it is a true feast for the eyes!

I encourage all residents to visit City Hall and view this exhibit! You may find yourself (as I did) deciding you want one or more for your home or office!

The show illustrates a wide variety of subjects and techniques. Come by and view the show. You'll be glad you did!

City Meetings This week

6:00 p.m. Monday, April 4, 2005: Lakeland Green final presentation (IH Clubhouse)

7:00 p.m., Monday, April 4, 2005: Town Meeting (IH Clubhouse). (Lakeland Board of Commissioners hears public comments)

6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 7, 2005: Board of Commissoiners Regular Meeting (City Hall)