Sunday, April 23, 2006

Fishing Rodeo/Community Day Saturday, June 3!

The annual Fishing Rodeo/Community Day at IH Park is Saturday, June 3, 2006.
The Fishing Rodeo is for children aged 4-12 and starts at 9:00 a.m.

On-site registration starts at 8:15 a.m., but avoid the lines and pre-register! Registration forms are available at, or at City Hall.

Events include the Fishing Rodeo (9:00 a.m. to approximately 10:30 a.m.) and “Uncle Fudds Farm” at 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Moon Bounce, Pony Rides, Petting Zoo etc.)

Events for all include:

-FREE eye exam by the Lakeland Lions Club from 10:30 a.m. to Noon.

-Nature Hike with Eric and Nick from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.

In addition, the Lakeland Civic Club will have a concession on site! All of the proceeds are used in the local area, and a share of the proceeds goes to Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources!

Come out to IH Park Saturday, June 3 and enjoy our beautiful IH Park, fun activities and excellent food!

IH Park is located at 4523 Canada Road (west side of Canada Road). The First Baptist Church of Lakeland is allowing participants to park in the Church parking lot. We appreciate the First Baptist Church of Lakeland allowing parking for this event.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

All Star Waste Systems trash pickup procedure

The procedure for All Star Waste Services on routine household trash pickup is that the automated truck picks up the carts. A follow-up truck is used to pick up trash which is not in the cart.

This procedure has understandably created some concern in residents who see their cart picked up, but not the trash outside of the cart.

If you see your cart picked up, but not the trash outside the cart, another truck will be coming by to pick up the other trash.

Also, All Star Waste Systems has advised that the “arrow” on the cart should be pointing towards the street for the most efficient pickup of trash.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mosquito problems? Call 324-5547

The Shelby County Vector Control Program is now handling mosquito control for all areas of Shelby County, including Lakeland. If you have any questions on mosquito control or other pests, contact the Shelby County Vector Control mosquite control hotline at 324-5547.

This program is funded by a .75 monthly charge on the utility bills of Shelby County residents.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Art in City Hall displays Arbor Day entries

We are pleased to announce that Lakeland Elementary School children are the artists for current “Art in City Hall” display. Entries for the Arbor Day contest (including the winning picture) are on display in City Hall.

The public is invited to visit and view the creative efforts by our Lakeland Elementary School children!

City Hall is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and entries may also be viewed when evening meetings are scheduled.

Artists interested in displaying for the Art in City Hall program should contact Shirley Broom at City Hall. Thanks to Dan Scott, the halls of City Hall are now outfitted with a picture hanging system which will avoid damage to the walls and will expedite display of pictures.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Tuesday (not Monday) is recycling day!

Residents are reminded that Tuesday-not Monday- is the new recycling day. If recycling for your area was the first and third Monday, it is not the first and third Tuesday. If it was the second and fourth Monday, it is now the second and fourth Tuesday.

Dan Scott achieves designation as National Certified Parks Inspector

I am pleased to announce that Dan Scott is now designated as a National Certified Parks Inspector. He passed his exam on the first try! This provides Dan with the training and expertise necessary to insure our parks meet the highest standards of safety for our children.

Dan joins other members of our staff who have achieved excellence in their field. Other Staff members who have designations for excellence in their field include Growth Management Director J. Higbee (AICP*); Planner Jim Ackinson (AICP); City Engineer Karen Jarrett (P.E.**); Public Works Director Chris Masin (P.E.); City Recorder Sontidra Franklin (Certified Municipal Clerk) and Natural Resources Director Eric Bridges (Arborist AND Forester, one of the few professionals in Tennessee with both designations). I also am a “Credentialed” City Manager, meaning that I have comply with certain standards on training each year.

All of these designations require yearly (or periodic) training to maintain their designation and provide the highest service to Lakeland residents.

*AICP means meeting requirements for certification by the American Institute of Certified Planners. This designation requires a minimum amount of experience, passing a stringent test and periodic training in the field of planning.

**P.E. means Professional Engineer. A P.E. is obtained only after a minimum number of years of experience, passing a stringent test and periodic training in engineering.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Lakeland and story about Environmental Court in Arlington-The facts!

Recently some statements about Lakeland were made in the Commercial Appeal about Lakeland's request to participate in the Shelby County "Environmental Court" in Arlington.

We appreciate the invitation of Arlington Mayor Wiseman and other Arlington City officials to participate in the Arlington Environmental Court sessions and submitted an Interlocal Agreement to Shelby County for approval.

The Interlocal Agreement was considered by a Shelby County Commission Committee on Wednesday, April 5, 2005 and was delayed for 30 days. According to a story in the Commercial Appeal, the County Commissioner who requested the delay is not correctly informed.

I feel it is important that the misconceptions about Lakeland not be allowed to continue.

-The statement was made that “Lakeland depends on the County for fire services”. This is correct. Lakeland also pays more than it’s share of the County Fire Department. Each resident pays $24.00 per month and each business also pays a fire fee. In addition, the City of Lakeland spent over $1,200,000 on Lakeland Fire Station # 1 and provides it free to the County Fire Department.

We aren’t complaining. We’re glad to help our neighbors in the County out, but the statement that Lakeland is freeloading on the County Fire Department is absolutely false.

-The statement was made that “Lakeland doesn’t have a Police Department". Neither does the City of Arlington, so I don’t know what this has to do with it.

-The City of Lakeland pays it’s full share of the ambulance system.

-The County already pays whatever extra expenses there are to have a separate Environmental Court in Millington and Arlington. Actually, the County would make money off of this, since the City of Lakeland would file more citations (which pay the County fines and court costs) in a nearby Court. Also, it would save Lakeland residents and the City of Lakeland time and money in not having to go to downtown Memphis.

-If the Shelby County Commission is so concerned about the costs to other suburbs, why were the Courts approved for Millington and Arlington? If the Shelby County Commission objects to “other suburbs” subsidizing the courts, this is already happening and it seems that Lakeland is subsidizing Millington and Arlington.

We did not ask for another Court site, we only asked to participate in an existing site, which would actually profit the County, not cost the County money. We have absolutely no objection to the Courts in Millington and Arlington, even if we can't file our citations there. We feel the locations benefit Shelby County residents and we support that and applaud Millington and Arlington for better serving their residents. We appreciate the invitation by Arlington to participate and hope that the Shelby County Commission will consider the Interlocal Agreement on the merits as soon as possible.

I don’t know the real reason for delaying the Inter-Local Agreement with Shelby County so our residents don't have to travel to Memphis, but the reasons presented are not valid and continue incorrect perceptions about Lakeland.

Monday, April 03, 2006

CityWatch Article on yard waste

I provided incorrect information in CityWatch about yard waste. Bagged leaves and grass will be picked up on a weekly basis, not every other week. I had understood that the bagged weeds and grass would be picked up on the same schedule as limbs are currently picked up (every other week)at the time I wrote the article and provided the information to CityWatch.

Small amounts of bagged grass and leaves will be picked up on Monday. Large amounts will be picked up on Tuesday or Wednesday. Weather or equipment may affect this schedule.

I apologize for any inconvenience, and I am glad it is more often and not less often!