Friday, July 25, 2008

Channel 19 on You Tube!

The City is uploading Comcast Cable Channel 19 information to You Tube as a service to residents who don't have cable television or who wish to access the information from their office etc.

The current information was a test, but we will be uploading the information anytime Channel 19 information is updated.

To access the video of Channel 19, go to and type in the search box "Lakeland TN Channel 19". It will pop up and you can click on the video, "Lakeland TN Channel 19-News you can use!"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Park Master Plan Public Input Meetings Scheduled

The future of Lakeland Parks and Recreation will be discussed at a meeting at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, August 14 and at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, August 21 at the IH Clubhouse on Canada Road.

All residents are invited to attend the meetings. Representation by all segments of the community will be emphasized so all views are considered in the Master Plan for Lakeland Parks and Recreation.

Residents wishing to participate are encouraged to complete the form at and return it to Brenda Lockhart at Lakeland City Hall. We emphasize all residents are encouraged to attend and signup is not required. The signup is being conducted so efforts can be made to insure the participation includes representation reflecting Lakeland demographics.

Some examples of groups, in addition to traditional demographics, include representatives of business, health organizations, media, civic club leaders, youth organizations and scout leaders, arts organizations or local artists, church, schools, sports providers, coaches etc., and citizens with a special expertise.

I urge all residents to attend and participate in these important meetings.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Lakeland Parks Golf Tournament Friday, September 12

Keep this date! Friday, September 12, 2008 is the date for the Lakeland Parks and Recreation Second Annual Golf Tournament at the Stonebridge Golf Course. Funds raised by the tournament are used for required certification and background checks of volunteer Lakeland Recreation coaches. The City of Lakeland requires certification and background checks for all coaches in recreation programs.

Sign up and general information is available at or contact City Hall at 867-2717.

The Golf Tournament, which is co-sponsored by Saint Francis Hospital of Bartlett, is scheduled to start at 1:00 p.m., Friday, September 12. Entry fee will include dinner, greens fees, cart, open driving range, team picture, a chance for winning door prizes and a lot of fun! Other awards include prizes for closest to the pin, longest drive and a new car for a hole in one!

Businesses, organizations (such as Homeowner Associations’!), and individuals are encouraged to form Teams to participate in the tournament.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available for businesses, organizations and individuals. Contact Brenda Lockhart at 867-2717 if you are interested in a sponsorship of tee signs, items for goodie bags, beverages, snacks etc. or other support of this worthwhile event.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


At the time of this writing the clocking is ticking down to the 11th hour of July 11 to submit your listing info for the NEW Lakeland Phone Directory. Have you returned the request from Lakeland City Hall? Your very last submission deadline is until Wednesday, July 16. Here are your options:
  • Use the stamped return envelope
  • OR send a fax to City Hall 867-2063
  • OR call 867-2717
  • OR complete the form online at Please provide the following information:

Names(s) to appear in directory (required)
Street Address (optional)
Subdivision (optional)
Telephone Number to be listed (###-####) land and/or cell
_____ No I/we do not wish to be listed in the City of Lakeland’s telephone directory
You Can Personalize the Phone Book Cover. Submit a picture(s), depicting “Where Quality of Life is a Way of Life” in Lakeland. If your
photo(s) is selected you will be recognized on the cover. Submit to Cecil Tompkins as a JPEG at along with your name, address and phone number Or drop snap shots in the mail to Cecil , 9645 Blue Spruce Drive.
The Directory will include a section of only Lakeland businesses. Additionally Lakeland commercial and home businesses are being invited to place a paid display advertisement (black & white) in a section listed by category. This section is open to any business in and outside of Lakeland. Please contact Margaret Brown for pricing and layout information - 388-9190 or by email:
We have had an excellent response, and I am glad Lakeland has residents who understand the importance of this project and are working for a better Lakeland community.
Again, our thanks to Representative Ron Lollar, who understood the importance of this project for Lakeland residents and assisted in a Community Enhancement Grant which is paying for the costs of collection of the phone numbers and publication of the Lakeland Phone Book.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Number Please! July 11 Deadline!

Lakeland residents who desire to be listed in the Lakeland Phone Book must send back the response by Friday, July 11, 2008 or list your number at by Friday, July 11 to be assured of a listing in the Lakeland Phone Book.

To list your directory listing at is simple and easy. The listing information is at the top right of the opening page of the web site.

We appreciate the assistance of the Lakeland Civic Club and other Lakeland residents in this community project.

We have had an excellent response, and I am glad Lakeland has residents who understand the importance of this project and are working for a better Lakeland community.

Again, our thanks to Representative Ron Lollar, who understood the importance of this project for Lakeland residents and assisted in a Community Enhancement Grant which is paying for the costs of collection of the phone numbers and publication of the Lakeland Phone Book.

Ever since I moved to Lakeland I have received calls asking if BellSouth/ATT for some reason doesn't put Lakeland in the phone book why don't we print our own?

The more phone numbers included, the more useful the Lakeland Phone Book will be, so if you haven't provided your phone number, (and wish to do so), return the form or sign up at right now!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Trash pickup for Friday customers is Saturday!

The scheduled Friday, July 4 trash pickup will be on Saturday, July 5. No other routes are affected by the Independence Day Holiday schedule.