Thursday, January 31, 2008

Emergency? CERT training available!

What would you do in the event of an earthquake, tornado or other natural disaster? Do you have the skills and training to handle emergencies unitl emergency responders arrive? What can YOU do to protect yourself, your family, your neighborhood, your community?

CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training is the answer and it is convenient, available and FREE!

CERT training provides critical skills in emergency prepardness and response. Trained CERT residents can help our community by helping emergency responders save lives and protect property working as a team. (Excellent information on the CERT program is available at (click on the CERT tab).

CERT Training is conveniently available. Available CERT training schdules include (Lakeland residents are welcome):

Bartlett Fire Department sessons are:

- February 16 and 23 at Bartlett United Methodist Church

-March 8 and 15 at the Bartlett Station Municipal Center in Community Room A.

Asst. Chief Danny Baxter may be contacted at or at 385-5536 for enrollment information. (Bartlett residents have first priority on classes.)

Memphis and Shelby County Emergency Management Agency session

March 8 – 9

April 12 and 19

May 3 – 4

June 21 - 22

July 19 and 26

August 9 and 16

September 20 and 27

October 11 and 18

Information is available at and click on the CERT link or call Wendy Cantrell at 515-2605. These classes are held at 79 South Flicker Street in the upstairs classroom.

The Memphis/Shelby County Emergency Management Agency may have group lessons available for a REAL impact on the community!

What is CERT?

CERT is a training program that prepares you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a disaster. During an incident, emergency service personnel may not be able to reach everyone right away. By getting trained in CERT, you will have the skills to help emergency responders save lives and protect property, including your own. Classes generally are held on two days.

As a member of a CERT team, you can respond to disasters, participate in drills and exercises, and take additional training. CERT teams are known and trusted resources to emergency responders and their communities.

How does CERT help the community?

In addition to supporting emergency responders during a disaster, the CERT program builds strong working relationships between emergency responders and the people they serve. CERT teams also help the community year-round by helping with community emergency plans, neighborhood exercises, preparedness outreach, fire safety education, and workplace safety.

The benefits of CERT training

CERT training takes about 20 hours to complete and provides critical skills in emergency preparedness and response. Participants learn how to:

  • Identify and anticipate hazards
  • Reduce fire hazards in the home and workplace
  • Extinguish small fires
  • Assist emergency responders
  • Conduct light search and rescue
  • Set up medical treatment areas
  • Apply basic medical techniques
  • Help reduce survivor stress

Who should take CERT training?

· People interested in taking an active role in hometown preparedness

· Neighborhood Watch groups

· Community leaders

· Parents

· Communities of faith

· Teachers and administrators

· Members of clubs and civic organizations

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Law Enforcement Task Force on County Commission Agenda

The Shelby County Law Enforcement Task Force (see proposal at is scheduled for action by the Shelby County Commission at the Monday, January 28, 2008 meeting.

The proposal was not approved by the Committee considering the proposal (by a 3-3 vote), but is scheduled for action Monday.

The Lakeland Board of Commissioners approved a Resolution urging that the Shelby County Commissioners reject this proposal.

The agenda item is listed below. The Shelby County Commission agendas and Shelby County Commissioners contacts are at

CHISM 26. Joint resolution of the Board of County Commissioners
and Memphis City Council establishing the Memphis
and Shelby County Public Safety Board (MSPSB) to
assist the Shelby County Sheriff.s Department and the
Memphis Police Department in the crafting of interlocal
agreements acceptable to the respective law
enforcement agencies and approved by the Shelby
County Board of Commissioners and the Memphis City
Council. Sponsored by Commissioner Mike Carpenter

Reception at 6:00 p.m. at Shelby County Public Hearing on Charter Amendments

A 6:00 p.m. Reception is planned this Thursday, January 31, 2008 at Arlington High School.
The Reception will be immediately prior to the 6:30 p.m. Shelby County Charter Committee (Shelby County Commission is the Charter Committee) Public Hearing on the Shelby County Charter Amenments.

Plan to attend the 6:00 p.m. Reception and greet and visit with the Shelby County Commissioners. It is a good opportunity to express your views and also thank the Commissioners for holding thirteen Public Hearings on the Charter Amendments.

Information on the Shelby County Charter Amendments is available at and

Friday, January 25, 2008

The REAL reason for "Consolidation" talk

A quote from the January 2008 issue of Memphis magazine gives the REAL reason for the consolidation push:

"by moving regionally oriented services-schools, parks, health care, museums, and arenas-to the larger county tax base, the Memphis property tax base can be reduced until it's comparable to Germantown's".

(Article entitled "Phoning It In" , page 29)'

I have seen similar statements in other publications and by individuals pushing consolidation.

I guess I don't care if anybody, whether a City or individual drives a "Hummer", but I don't see why I should be forced to pay for it, especially if a City or individual feels a hybrid is sufficient for their needs.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


A Editorial in the Commercial Appeal recently noted that the Law Enforcement Task Force recommendation to the Shelby County Commission would be heard in a Committee meeting on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 and could be acted on by the full Shelby County Commission as early as the 1:30 p.m., Monday, January 28, 2008 meeting.

(Shelby County Commission agendas’ are posted at

This Proposals recommends a series of “inter-local agreements” that would eventually lead to the MEMPHIS MAYOR appointing the County Sheriff!

The Task Force Recommendation is available at

The Lakeland Board of Commissioners has reviewed this proposal and STRONGLY OPPOSE this recommendation and urge Lakeland residents to also strongly oppose this Task Force recommendation. (See Resolution on

While the Task Force Recommendation supposedly could not be legally implemented under the current Shelby County Charter and the Tennessee Constitution, if this was combined with a Charter Amendment, it could lead to the Memphis Mayor appointing the County Sheriff!

I urge all residents to contact ALL of the Shelby County Commissioners and advising them you oppose the Task Force Recommendation. If possible, plan to attend the Shelby County Commission meeting on Monday, January 28, 2008 to personally oppose this recommendation.

The Shelby County Commission has publicized the Charter Amendments and are holding 13 Public Hearings across the County on the Charter amendments. This indicates a major effort by the Shelby County Commission and the individual Commissioners to LISTEN to County residents on this matter, so I encourage all residents to speak up/write up and notify the County Commissioners of your opinions!

County Commissioner contacts are noted below.

Shelby County Board of Commissioners Office
160 N. Main Street, Suite 450
Memphis, TN 38103
Phone - (901) 545-4301
FAX - (901) 545-4283

Chairman David H. Lillard, Jr.,

Mike Ritz, Commissioner - Dist. 1, Pos.

George Flinn, Commissioner - Dist. 1,
Pos. 2>

Mike Carpenter, Commissioner - Dist.
1, Pos. 3

J.W. Gibson, Commissioner - Dist. 2,
Pos. 1

Henri E. Brooks, Commissioner - Dist.
2, Pos. 2

Deidre Malone, Commissioner - Dist.
2, Pos. 3

James Harvey, Commissioner - Dist. 3,
Pos. 1

Sidney Chism, Commissioner - Dist. 3,
Pos. 2

Joe Ford, Commissioner - Dist. 3,
Pos. 3

Joyce Avery, Commissioner - Dist. 4,
Pos. 1

Wyatt Bunker, Commissioner - Dist.
4, Pos. 2

Steve Mulroy, Commissioner - Dist. 5

Monday, January 14, 2008

Schedule Changes-Martin Luther King Holiday

The following schedule changes are in effect due to the Martin Luther King Holiday on Monday, January 21, 2008:

-Monday, January 21, 2008: City Hall Closed, Municipal Planning Commission meeting rescheduled to Tuesday, January 22.

-Tuesday, January 22, 2008: 6:30 p.m. Municipal Planning Commission (rescheduled from Monday, January 21)


Friday, January 11, 2008

Shelby County School Public Hearing CANCELED

The Public Hearing scheduled for Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at Barret’s Elementary School, 10280 Godwin Road HAS BEEN CANCELED.

Announcement at

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thoughts on Consolidation, Charter Amendments etc.

Just thinking on the recent events concerning calls for “consolidation”.

The newspaper carried the quote that the supporters of consolidation “didn’t want opinions, but he wants questions”. I strongly suggest that Lakeland residents advise the Mayor and County Commissioners of your opinion! It seems the persons pushing for consolidation made up their mind without asking for any questions.

I think Lakeland and the other suburbs and County residents are getting caught in exactly the reasons we don’t want or need consolidated government. “Deals” are made and they ignore the needs of Lakeland, the other suburbs and County residents by people who “know what is good for us”.

I feel Lakeland residents know what is good for Lakeland residents!

I encourage Lakeland residents to attend these scheduled Public Hearings and state your OPINIONS as well as your questions!

-6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Thursday, January 10, 2008: Shelby County Public Schools Public Hearing-Bartlett High School, 56788 Woodland

-10:00 a.m., Saturday, January 12, 2008: Shelby County Public Schools Public Hearing-Barret’s Chapel Elementary School, 10280 Godwin Road

-6:30 p.m., Thursday, January 31, 2008: Shelby County Commission (Charter amendments): Arlington High School

-6:30 p.m., Monday, February 11, 2008: Shelby County Commission (Charter amendments): Bartlett Performing Arts Center

In addition I encourage Lakeland residents to call/e-mail/visit Mayor Wharton and the Shelby County Commission (contacts are listed at and other sites or call City Hall 867-2717) and advise them of your opinion (and yes, questions) on Consolidation and the Charter Amendments!

Monday, January 07, 2008

YOUR ACTION NEEDED-Shelby County Schools proposed Attendance Zones

After contacts from Lakeland residents on the Shelby County Schools proposed Attendance Zones, I reviewed the proposed zones and I am dismayed by the apparent complete lack of consideration in the proposed zones.

As proposed, the proposed attendance zones ( have the effect of destroying the social fabric of Lakeland. If I understand the zones correctly, Lakeland elementary children would be sent to three different elementary schools! Students who play Lakeland recreational leagues together and live less than a mile from Lakeland Elementary will be assigned to schools several miles away!

The Lakeland Board of Commissioners Agenda for this Thursday, January 10, has a Resolution to request that the Shelby County Schools reconsider this zoning. It will literally have the effect of making strangers out of neighbors! The Lakeland Board of Commissioners have strongly supported Lakeland recreational leagues for a number of reasons, including promoting a Lakeland identity and the proposed Shelby County Schools zoning has the effect of fragmenting the community.

The Shelby County Schools has two Public Hearings scheduled. I encourage all Lakeland residents (whether you have children or not, the proposed zoning is a disaster for Lakeland, and especially for Lakeland children).

-A Public Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, January 10, 2008 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Bartlett High School, 5688 Woodlawn.

-A Public Hearing is scheduled for Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at Barret’s Elementary School, 10280 Godwin Road.

I urge all Lakeland residents to attend all Shelby County Schools Public Hearings and meetings and protest the proposed attendance zoning if you agree that the proposed attendance zones will have a significant negative effect on Lakeland.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Had Enough? (Consolidation)-Lets ACT!

If you are as tired and angry as I am about the continued discussions, Committees, recommendations, press conferences, pronouncements etc. without considering the needs and wishes of Lakeland and other County residents, I encourage you to TAKE ACTION NOW!

Comments on the Shelby County Charter amendments may be made at the Shelby County Web Page, calling and/or e-mailing the County Commissioners and attending the Shelby County Commission/Charter Committee Public Hearings and stating your opinion!

Comments may also be sent in writing to:

Ad Hoc Committee on Shelby County Charter Amendments
Shelby County Board of Commissioners
160 North Main Street, Suite 450
Memphis, Tennessee 38103

The message is simple-We want to elect our County Sheriff as we do now, and we want the Sheriff to have the duties as proscribed by the Tennessee Constitution!

The Public Hearings are scheduled for:

6:30 *p.m., Thursday, January 31, 2008 at Arlington High School

6:30 *p.m., Monday, February 11, 2008 at the Bartlett Performing Arts Center.

It is important that all Lakeland residents contact the Shelby County Commissioners on this matter

*I was advised the Arlington Public Hearing was at 7:45 p.m.( with a 7:00 p.m. Reception), and the Bartlett Public Hearing was at 7:30 p.m. The Public Hearing Notice on Sunday, January 6 stated that "all Public Hearings are at 6:30 p.m.", so I am assuming this is correct, since the Pulbic Hearing notice is the official notice

Eleven other Public Hearings are scheduled. Interested citizens may attend any Public Hearing, but the preliminary rules of procedure limit any one preson to a single three minute presentatiion. For example, a resident could attend all 13 Public Hearings, but could still only make one oral presentation.

Shelby County Board of Commissioners
160 North Main Street, Suite 400
Memphis, TN 38103

Chairman David H. Lillard, Jr.,

Mike Ritz, Commissioner - Dist. 1, Pos.

George Flinn, Commissioner - Dist. 1,
Pos. 2>

Mike Carpenter, Commissioner - Dist.
1, Pos. 3

J.W. Gibson, Commissioner - Dist. 2,
Pos. 1

Henri E. Brooks, Commissioner - Dist.
2, Pos. 2

Deidre Malone, Commissioner - Dist.
2, Pos. 3

James Harvey, Commissioner - Dist. 3,
Pos. 1

Sidney Chism, Commissioner - Dist. 3,
Pos. 2

Joe Ford, Commissioner - Dist. 3,
Pos. 3

Joyce Avery, Commissioner - Dist. 4,
Pos. 1

Wyatt Bunker, Commissioner - Dist.
4, Pos. 2

Steve Mulroy, Commissioner - Dist. 5

Steve Summerall, Chief Administrator

Clay Perry, Deputy Administrator

County Commissioners listed as District 4 (this includes Chairman Lillard) are Lakeland respresentaives. However, it is important to contact all the Commissioners.

Lakeland Phone Book, ZIP Code

We appreciate the offer of several Lakeland organizations and residents to work as subcontractors to produce the Lakeland Phone Book, after Representative Ron Lollar bought by a $20,000 check as a Community Enhancement Grant for the project.

I expect the Lakeland Phone Book will be much better due to the efforts of these residents and organizations. We are still working on creating a workable Agreement, and we hope to have this completed by early February so the work can start on the Lakeland Phone Book.

It is residents who are willing to come forward and contribute that makes Lakeland so great!

The City recently received an E-mail concerning why it is necessary to create Lakeland Phone Book. The e-mail mentioned the failure of ATT/Bellsouth to include any reference to Lakeland in the "White Pages". Although with the increasing use of cell phones as the primary phone, Comcast phones etc. (and the fact that part of Lakeland is in the Millington Phone System area), the White Pages become increasingly irrelevant, it is still frustrating that ATT/Bellsouth continues to completely ignore 10,848 customers when it would be so simple to resolve the problem.

Ditto for the U.S. Postal Service and their continued inability to provide a Lakeland ZIP Code and Post Office for Lakeland, except that the need for our own ZIP Code and a Lakeland Post Office increases daily. The U.S. Postal Service has discussed this with the City and I have some understanding of the difficulty in starting a new ZIP Code and Post Office. However, I feel the need is here and it is time for the U.S. Postal Service to start planning for a Lakeland ZIP Code and Post Office.

If the person writing the e-mail had included a return e-mail, I would have been glad to advise them that City officials and Lakeland residents have been working on these matters for at least 12 years. We will keep trying and certainly will welcome suggestions on resolving the barriers with the ATT/BellSouth and the U.S. Postal Service. In th meantime, a Lakeland Phone Book will be created and distributed thanks to Representative Ron Lollar and our public spirited Lakeland residents.

January 2008 Calendar

Rescheduled meetings for January 2008 are:

-January 10, 2008: The Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 10. The Work Session was held on Thursday, January 3 due to to the holiday schedule.

-City Hall is closed for Martin Luther King Day on Monday, January 21, 2008.

-The January Municipal Planning Commission meeting is rescheduled from Monday, January 21 to Tuesday, January 22.

-All trash collections and recycling collections for this week will be delayed one day due to the Martin Luther King Day Holiday.