Friday, February 23, 2007

Census 2007-ALL household names required

A high percentage of Special Census forms have been returned. We appreciate this quick response.

One problem we have noted is that many responses list the name of only one person. In some cases, we know there is more than one person in the household.

To be counted, each NAME must be listed! If you have already completed your Census response, I urge you to take either of the following actions:

-Call (867-2717) or E-mail City Hall and correct the form. We can look up your name and add the other names.

-Download a new Census Form 2007 from (or call City Hall to have one faxed or E-mailed) and complete it with the names of all members of the household.

Again, we emphasize that ALL NAMES of persons in the household must be list. Otherwise, the City loses approximately $109 per person not named! This is a yearly payment, so this is $109 per person, per year!

We will appreciate your assistance in helping us obtain a true count of Lakeland residents!

Lakeland City Hall E-mail

Due to a variety of computer equipment problems, the Lakeland City Hall E-mail has been out off and on since Tuesday, February 20. Today (Friday) we were advised they are working on the problems this weekend and we should not expect our normal E-mail service to resume until Monday, February 26.

If you E-mailed the City during this time and did not receive a response, please re-send your E-mail. I don't understand the techncial aspects, but persons sending an E-mail to should have received a rejection notice, but my test E-mails indicated a rejection notice is not being sent.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this creates.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

City of Lakeland E-mail service out Tuesday, February 20

E-mail to the City of Lakeland on is disrupted due to the City server "motherboard" going out. The motherboard is being replaced, but we do not expect it to be replaced until Wednesday, February 21.

It is my understanding that all E-mail sent during this time will be received, but cannot be accessed until the server motherboard is replaced. Since City Hall cannot access the E-mail or Internet, responses to E-mails will be delayed. Since Monday, February 19 was a City Holiday, responses to E-mail from Friday, February 16 may be delayed.

We apologize for any inconvenience this problem has created. Please call City Hall if you need immediate assistance.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sewer backup? Call the City first!

Lakeland sewer customers are urged to call City Hall first if you have a sewer backup (867-2717 during business hours or 867-8920 after hours and weekends).

City personnel will check to see where the blockage is. If the City sewer lines are ok, you will be advised to call a private company to clean out your sewer line.

If the problem is in the public sewer, the problem will be fixed at no charge. In addition to saving time, it also may save you money. If you call a private sewer cleaning company first, you may be charged even if the problem is in the public sewer.

In case of a sewer backup, call the City first!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Responsible Recycling

We encourage all residents to recycle as much as possible. One problem several residents have noted is trash flying out of recycle bins, which is counterproductive to recycling!

We are looking at possible solutions. Please practice “responsible recycling” and double check to insure that all materials to be recycled will not blow off.

As an example of how easy this can happen, my recycling schedule is usually early morning. The recycling truck had a damaged tire (Tuesday, February 6) and was about five hours late coming by. I was dismayed to note that several items had blown out and were in my back yard!

Please remember to double-check and make sure we don’t trash up our neighborhoods during our attempt to recycle!