Friday, August 28, 2009

I-40/Canada Road traffic signal bid considered for approval Monday

The Public Works Committee of the Shelby County Commission (District 4 Commissioner Wyatt Bunker is the Chair) approved the bid for the traffic signal at the I-40 and Canada Road Interchange.

The full Shelby County Commission is scheduled to approve the bid for the traffic signals at the regular meeting starting at 1:30 p.m., Monday, August 31, 2009.

The traffic signals will substantially improve safety, reduce congestion and accidents and reduce air pollution.

The traffic signals will substantially improve the response of the Shelby County Ambulance, the Fire Department and the Hazardous Response Unit to all areas of Shelby County.

We appreciate all of the time, work and effort put into this project by the Shelby County Public Works and Engineering Department personnel and the Shelby County Commissioners.

After approval of the bid, the traffic signals should be operational by early 2010.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lakeland sign regulations

We have received questions about the Lakeland Sign Regulations especially as it relates to temporary political campaign signs.

Signs on medians, intersections, or placed illegally on traffic control signs or public property (street right of ways, parks etc.) or, common open space, unoccupied property etc. are illegal signs and are picked up immediately. Common Open Space owned by the Home Owners Association etc. is not considered occupied property.

Political signs are allowed under the following circumstances:

-One sign per candidate or issue on an occupied lot. (with permission of the owner).

-Placed no closer than 15 feet to the edge of the pavement (or 5 feet behind the sidewalk), whichever is greater.

-Cannot be erected more than 30 days before Early Voting and must be removed within three days after the election.

-Signs cannot exceed 5 square feet in area per side and cannot exceed 48” in height.

For specific information the Lakeland sign ordinances are at, or contact Code Enforcement at City Hall, 867-2717.

We appreciate the cooperation of all residents in observing these sign regulations.

I-40/Canada Road Interchange traffic signals scheduled for approval

We received confirmation that the bid for traffic signals for the I-40/Canada Road Interchange is scheduled for approval by the Shelby County Commission.

The Public Works Committee of the Shelby County Commission (District 4 Commissioner Wyatt Bunker is the Chair) is considering the traffic signal at the Committee meeting starting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at the Shelby County Courthouse.

The full Shelby County Commission is scheduled to approve the bid for the traffic signals at the regular meeting starting at 1:30 p.m., Monday, August 31, 2009. (We will confirm this is on the agenda.)

We encourage all Lakeland residents and persons who use the Interchange to contact the Shelby County Commissioners ( and ask them to PLEASE approve this bid!

The traffic signals will substantially improve safety, reduce congestion and accidents and reduce air pollution.

The traffic signals will substantially improve the response of the Shelby County Ambulance, the Fire Department and the Hazardous Response Unit to all areas of Shelby County.

We appreciate all of the time, work and effort put into this project by the Shelby County Public Works and Engineering Department personnel.

New Canada Road Advisory Team September meetigns

The New Canada Road Advisory Team has scheduled the following September meetings:

-3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 8, 2009: The Advisory Team will review the alignment of New Canada Road. The Team plans to make a final decision on the alignment at this meeting. The meeting is at the IH Clubhouse, 4523 Canada Road.

-7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 29, 2009: The Advisory Team will have a Public Meeting concerning New Canada Road. This is the last scheduled meeting of the Advisory Team. The meeting is at the IH Clubhouse, 4523 Canada Road.

Additional information is available at

Shelby County Chambers of Commerce Alliance sponsoring Forum on "Consolidation"

The Shelby County Chambers of Commerce Alliance is sponsoring a Forum on "Consolidation Issues" at 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Thursday, September 10, 2009 at the Memphis Area Homebuilders Association.

All Suburban Mayors (including Lakeland Mayor Scott Carmichael, who has accepted the invitation) are invited to speak to present their views.

Pat Hardy, with the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS), has been invited to discuss the pro's and con's of "consolidation". Mr. Hardy had completed substantial research on the consolidation issue.

A research paper by Mr. Hardy is available at

Save the evening of September 10, 2009 for this informative meeting!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Business Appreciation Breakfast, 7:30 a.m., Wednesday, August 19

Lakeland businesspersons, including home-based businesses, are invited to the Business Appreciation Breakfast at 7:30 a.m., Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at the Stonebridge Golf Club. The event is co-sponsored by the City of Lakeland and the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce Existing Business Committee.

A limited number of attendees may still register-call Lakeland City Hall at 867-2717 or e-mail!

Mayor Scott Carmichael, Vice Mayor Mark Hartz and members of the Lakeland Economic Development Commission (Connie Hess, Chair); the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce (Mark Lawrence, President) and the Existing Business Committee of the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce will be present. The Business Liaison for the City of Lakeland (Debra Murrell) will also be present. This program has been nicknamed the “Friendly Face” program, since the City desires to display a “friendly face” to new and existing businesses.

Enjoy a free breakfast, win door prices and visit with other business persons, the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce, City officials and staff, the Greater Memphis Chamber and find answers to questions about Chamber and City services.

Businesses will be encouraged to sign up for personal visits with appropriate City staff to discuss any questions, opportunities, or challenges.

To maximize the opportunity for Lakeland businesses to attend, the City reserved several extra breakfast meals. Call (867-2717) or e-mail ( to reserve a place today!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Don't make it easy, lock your car!

Lieutenant Horton, of the Shelby County Sheriff Department, recently presented a report to the Board of Commissioners that vehicle break-ins had increased (as it has in the metro area).

He mentioned the best protection was locking your car. His advice was to "don't make it easy, lock your car!".

I hope all Lakeland residents take the time to lock your car, not leave valuables in the car etc. and "don't make it easy"!

Business Appreciation Breakfast scheduled 7:30 a.m., Wednesday, August 19


Please RSVP by Monday, August 10 to Lakeland City Hall at 867-2717 or

City of Lakeland

July 31, 2009

Dear Business Owner or Manager,

The City of Lakeland cordially invites you to a Business Appreciation Breakfast on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at Stonebridge Golf Club starting at 7:30 am.

In an effort to better understand the challenges faced by business owners and managers, the breakfast will be an opportunity to network with other business owners and managers and learn more about City services that can benefit your business. This is also an opportunity for the City to listen to your ideas, concerns, and questions and find ways that we can improve to better serve you.

The breakfast meeting is FREE to attend, and there will be representatives of the City of Lakeland, the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce, the Lakeland Economic Development Commission, and the Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce in attendance to answer questions and record comments on an individual basis.

What: Lakeland Business Appreciation Breakfast

When: August 19, 2009

Time: 7:30 am

Where: Stonebridge Golf Club

3049 Davies Plantation Road

Lakeland, TN 38002