Saturday, February 25, 2006

All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)

All Terrain Vehicles (commonly known as ATV’s) continue to be a major problem in many areas of Lakeland. Recently, after numerous complaints of damage by ATV’s (both on private property and public property), and illegal and dangerous driving by ATV’s, we discussed the ATV problem with the Shelby County Sheriff Department.

We encourage all residents to contact the Shelby County Sheriff if you see any of the following illegal activities by ATV’s. These activities are illegal under state law and Lakeland Ordinances and will be enforced by the Sheriff Department:

-Unlawful to ride on ANY private property without the consent of the owner. (This is different than the former law, which required “posting” of no trespassing. Now specific consent must have been obtained.)

-Unlawful to ride on any public property, including city streets and right-of-ways. Obviously, this also includes parks, school property etc. If you see an ATV on a public street, or any park, it is illegal and the Sheriff should be called!

The State Law and City Ordinances are very straight-forward-ATV’s cannot be ridden on City Streets, right-of-ways, parks, or private property unless consent is obtained in advance.

As Spring approaches, we expect more violations and encourage residents to contact the Shelby County Sheriff of any violations. Provide as much information as possible. While a Deputy will respond as soon as possible, it is hard to catch violators “in the act”. However, calls will still enable the Sheriff Department to keep records of where violations are occurring and if a Deputy is in the area, there is a good chance they can catch the violator.

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