Friday, June 29, 2007

Proposed Sign Ordinance Amendments

The Lakeland Board of Commissioners is considering the following amendments to the Lakeland Sign Ordinance. This will be on First Reading at the BOC meeting on Thursday, July 5. Residents or Businesspersons with questions may contact Jim Atkinson at Lakeland City Hall with any questions, clarifications or comments.

Incidental Signs – Currently, incidental signs are permitted up to one square-foot with a maximum height of two feet. The proposed change would allow two square feet in area and three feet in height. Incidental signs are typically used for directional purposes, such as “entrance”, “exit”, etc. Incidental signs may not contain any commercial message.

Temporary Signs (banners) – Currently, each business is allowed one temporary sign permit for a banner each year and the permit is good for 30 days. The proposed change would allow three permits per year, good for 10 days each (30 days total per year).

Ground Sign – Currently, principle ground signs must be setback at least 20 feet from front property lines. The proposed change would allow a 10-foot setback.

Window Signs – Currently, window signs are not permitted. The proposed change would allow a maximum of 2 window signs per business not to exceed 10% of the total window area and be no larger than 20 square feet.

I emphasize these are staff proposals and may not be approved or may be revised prior to final adoption.

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