Friday, July 15, 2005

Lakeland Maps

Partnership Lakeland recently completed and distributed a new Lakeland City Map. Partnership Lakeland members did a lot of work on this and it is reflected in an excellent Lakeland Map.

If you are new to Lakeland or have misplaced the Lakeland Map, or just need another map, Partnership Lakeland provided a number of maps to the City of Lakeland for distribution. If you need a map, stop by City Hall and we will be glad to give you a map. Due to limited maps, we need to limit maps to one map per person.

I had been looking for a business to refinish my Dad's dresser. (I remember when I was a child it was absolutely forbidden for me to get into the dresser. Even today, I feel a little forbidden thrill when I open it!) The first day I got my map, I noted that a Lakeland resident provide that service. I immediately called and was very pleased with the refinishing job.

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