Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Signs on Right of Way

Recently, I was dismayed when a major business in the Lakeland Outlet Mall completely ignored our sign ordinance and "litter" ordinance and trashed the Lakeland right-of-ways with their advertising signs. I can perhaps understand one time, they may simply not be aware of the Ordinance, although I don't know any city which technically allows such signs on the right-of-ways. (Many cities, for whatever reason, don't enforce this provision.)

I feel this shows the store's contempt for the environment, as well as Lakeland, especially since this was after City staff (and at least one Commissioner) took the time to peronally visit with the store and advise them we don't allow this in Lakeland.

I understand the "central office" of the store (it is a big chain which I used to respect) simply made up more signs and advised the local store to ignore Lakeland Ordinances and trash our City with their signs on city streets over the July 4 weekend.

The City staff has picked up the signs and given a "courtesy citation" to the store. I looked at my records and found I personally have spent a substantial sum of money in this store over the last month. I will reconsider shopping at this store in the future.

As a Lakeland resident, I am going to write the President of the company and complain about the lack of community responsiblity. I am going to respectfully ASK them to proudly comply with Lakeland ordinances in the future.

If you agree, I hope you will do the same. Of course, if they continue to violate our Ordinances, will also issue citations to them and let them explain to the Judge why they can't seem to understand corporate responsiblity!

While I won't list this stores name here, it will go on the "Hall of Shame" if they continue to litter Lakeland streets with signs.

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