Saturday, August 13, 2005

Soccer and Recreational programs

With the start of the school year, it is time for youth soccer, and later basketball and other recreational sports for Lakeland children.

As you may have read, the City of Lakeland is in the process designing an athletic field, which will include soccer fields. The Shelby County Schools and Lakeland Elementary personnel have been very cooperative in the use of facilities for youth basketball, cheerleading etc.

What programs do you think the community should be offering our community children? Suggestions, comments, complaints (or compliments!) on our present program and how they are operated?

I value your opinions, as I don't know how you feel unless you tell me! Let me know at, write me at 10001 Highway 70, Lakeland, Tennessee 38002 (or stop by and visit) or call me at 867-2717. Also, the Lakeland Park Board meets on the second Monday of each month and always welcomes visitors with comments and suggestions. Of course, the Lakeland Board of Commissioners is always interested in comments and suggestions. The Lakeland BOC meets for a Work Session on the 4th Monday of each month (actually, the last Monday of the month the week before the first Thursday of the next month) and the Regular Meeting on the first Thursday of each month.

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